Creatine Supplementation Q&A: What’s The Best Creatine and More

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Unless you’re new here, you know you should probably be taking creatine. It’s one of the most well-research, reliable, and safe supplements around.

So I’m not going to address any questions about the general effectiveness of creatine.

Yes, it works.

No, it’s not “steroids,” rather it’s a compound made up of three amino acids, making it more closely related to protein than anything else.

No, it’s not bad for your kidneys.

From this point on I’m assuming we’re all on the same page with the baseline knowledge of creatine’s effectiveness and safety. It’s effective for muscle growth and muscle building, increasing athletic performance, and even, as newer research suggests, overall health.

It also helps with muscle strength, muscle recovery, and more. For an overview of all the research on creatine, check out Examine, who’ve compiled all the research for us.

If you’re really not convinced about the safety and efficacy of creatine, just this year a study came out on the link between creatine intake and depression. In a pool of over 20,000 participants, the researchers found an inverse relationship between creatine consumption and depression. Meaning, if you consumed more creatine you were less likely to be depressed.

It’s even been linked to things like improving recovery from traumatic brain injury. The current data is truly astounding.

So, you should be taking creatine. Whether for bodybuilding or sports nutrition or just for your overall health. Personally, I put it up there with fish oil, vitamin D, and magnesium among the supplements that basically everybody should take.

But what about the different forms of creatine?

*Note: We do have affiliate links throughout this article, which means we receive a commission if you purchase from any of our links.

Comparing The Best Forms: Creatine Monohydrate vs HCl

The two heavyweights in the creatine-chemistry game are creatine monhydrate and creatine hydrochloride (creatine HCL). The difference between them starts on a chemical level.

Creatine monohydrate is creatine bonded with one water molecule (hence, monohydrate).

Creatine HCl is creatine bonded with a hydrochloride molecule.

These chemical differences mean they’re going to interact differently in the body.

The biggest difference is their solubility.

Creatine HCl is much more soluble (1). If you remember from high school chemistry, solubility is how well something dissolves. 

Proponents of creatine HCl will say its solubility means the body absorbs it better. But, this extrapolation is built on speculation, not research.

The vast majority of research on creatine showing over and over again the substance’s effectiveness was done on creatine monohydrate, and there’s no research to show Creatine HCl’s superiority.

The reality is they probably both work equally. And if we’re talking about differences, they’re so minuscule they’re not worth worrying about. What’s more important is that you’re actually taking creatine on a consistent basis.

The more tangible difference on a practical level between creatine monohydrate vs HCl is the cost. Creatine monohydrate costs less. In terms of bang for your buck, it’s one of the best supplements around.

And because of this, I recommend going with the tried and true creatine monohydrate.

However, solubility is not something to brush off to the side. Creatine monohydrate really does not mix well in water.

Drinking creatine with just water is like putting sand in your water.

I use it in smoothies or post-workout protein shakes so it doesn’t matter, but if you need a creatine form you can easily mix in with water or juice, then paying a few extra bucks for creatine HCl might be worth it for you.

Check out this article from the lads at Kaged for more on the benefits of creatine HCl.

What’s the Best Creatine Monohydrate Supplement?

Nearly all creatine monohydrate supplements are exactly the same: they’re just pure creatine monohydrate. And if they were all exactly the same, there would be no best. Unfortunately, because the supplement industry can be a bit shady, they’re NOT all the same.

Remember that supplements are not regulated by the FDA. That means supplement companies sneak in other filler substances or additives without putting it on the label. Or worse: banned substances. That’s a huge problem for the supplement industry. In order to avoid these issues, you should go with a trustworthy brand that’s been third-party tested. Don’t grab a random supplement from amazon.

Obviously, you could do your research, and there are plenty of trustworthy creatine products.

I take this to the next level, because the supplement industry can be shady, and look for companies with a reliable reputation and that maintain the highest standards of ethics and sustainability.

For some excellent options, check out our article on the best creatine supplements.

What’s the Best Creatine HCl Supplement?

This one is easy. It’s Kaged Creatine HCl. It’s simple, affordable, banned-substance-tested, and they have options. You can get capsules, unflavored powder, fruit punch, or lemon-lime powder.

Kaged Creatine HCl

What Is Micronized Creatine?

On most trusted and popular supplement brands, you’ll see that their creatine monohydrate supplement says “micronized creatine monohydrate.” Micronized, as the name implies, means that the creatine powder is broken down into a finer powder. Nutritionally, this won’t make a significant difference. But practically, it does. Because creatine is insoluble, it doesn’t dissolve well (as you may remember from high school chemistry, everything to some extent is soluble and insoluble, they just have ratings on their solubility). That’s why most creatine monohydrate products are “micronized.” The smaller particles will dissolve easier.

What’s Creapure®?

Creapure® is the brand name for the company that produces the micronized creatine monohydrate. Because of some legal shenanigans I, and everybody else, have to put that fancy r with the circle around it because it’s Trademarked. None of this really matters to you, but Creapure® is the most popular and trusted form of creatine monohydrate so you’ll see in many trusted creatine products.

What’s The Best Time to Take Creatine?

With regards to health and fitness, you know we here at Roman Fitness Systems understand that training is a part of life, but not your whole life, as you can tell by our numerous articles on topics ranging from Rules for an Awesome Life, to Why The Twilight Books Suck. And that means that we aim for a practical approach so you can get the most out of your training, and enjoy the rest of your life.

When it comes to the best time to take creatine, the answer is whenever is most convenient for you. Because what’s most important is that you take it. And if taking it pre-workout is more work for you than in the evening, then you’re less likely to take it and thus not reap its benefits.

There’s also lots of discussion around whether you should take it with carbohydrates. Most creatine supplements will recommend a “loading phase” where you drink creatine with juice. I, again, subscribed that the most important thing is that you take it. Period. 

So the answer to the best time to take creatine depends on your routine. 

For example, I have a smoothie for breakfast almost every morning. So, I always put a few grams of creatine in the smoothie. Creatine monohydrate is insoluble, but I’ve found that in a thick smoothie made in a blender, I don’t notice it at all. It’s also unflavored, so drinking it on its own doesn’t taste bad, but it doesn’t taste good either.

If you usually have a post-workout shake, throw it in there. The point is, the best time to take creatine is the time that works best for you. That way you do it consistently.

Can I Take Creatine Before Bed?

Yes, you sure can. It won’t make that much of difference than if you took it on any other day. 

Should I Take Creatine on Rest Days?

Yes. Yes, you should. Creatine isn’t just for workout days. If you skip taking creatine on your rest days, the amount of creatine stored in your muscles will decrease, and you won’t have as much available for your next workout.

Remember, creatine works by replenishing your muscles’ energy stores, allowing you to work out harder and longer. It doesn’t just disappear from your body overnight. It takes time to build up and time to deplete. So, keeping a consistent level in your body, even on rest days, ensures your body will have the phosphocreatine stores filled when you do train.

So, whether it’s a heavy lifting day or a sit-at-home-and-play-chess day, don’t forget your creatine.

Do I Need a Loading Period?

Anybody who’s bought creatine before knows that the bottle always recommends a “loading period.” In a loading period, the idea is to take several (4-5) servings throughout the day in conjunction with a sugary beverage, like juice or Gatorade. Doing this much more quickly shuttles creatine into your muscles and saturates them. Doing this, you’ll reap the benefits of creatine quicker (usually in about 7 days) In general this is a pretty controversial topic, and a decent scientific argument could be made for both.

But here’s where most people are too focused on the trees that they lose sight of the forest: in the long run, it doesn’t matter at all. Creatine is a supplement you should take daily for the rest of your life, so needing to wait an extra week for the effects to fully kick in doesn’t matter. (Technically it will take a few extra weeks, up to 28 days.) Plus consuming all that sugar just to shuttle the creatine into your muscles has its own downsides (like getting fat). Last, generic creatine doesn’t mix well, and drinking it five times a day in juice is pretty gross.

So I advise against it, just because I don’t think it’s necessary.

How Long Does Creatine Take to Work?

Creatine isn’t a magic potion that’ll give you instant Hulk-like strength. It’s more like a diligent personal assistant, working behind the scenes to ensure your muscles have the energy they need to perform at their best. And like any good assistant, it takes a bit of time to get fully up to speed.

If you don’t load, it takes about 2-4 weeks of consistent use.

As I just said in the section on loading, you could take 20-25 grams daily for 7 days, followed by a lower maintenance dose. With this approach, you could start seeing results in as little as 5-7 days.

How Much Water Should I Drink with Creatine?

Mix 3-5 grams of creatine with 8 ounces of water. This not only aids in the absorption of creatine but also helps maintain optimal hydration.

Creatine will make you hold water, so hydration, especially when you first start taking it, is extra important. As a rule of thumb, aim to drink about a gallon of water or 3-4 liters each day when supplementing with creatine. Obviously, though, your hydration needs vary depending on factors like body size, activity level, and climate.

If you’re sweating a lot, you’ll have to drink more.

Can You Mix Creatine with Protein Powder?

So, you’ve got your protein powder and your creatine, and you’re wondering if you can mix the two. The answer is yes, you absolutely can.

Mixing creatine and protein powder can actually be beneficial. Both supplements play a crucial role in muscle recovery and growth. Protein provides the building blocks for muscle repair, while creatine helps to replenish energy stores in the muscles, allowing for increased workout intensity and volume.

However, it’s important to remember that everyone’s body responds differently to supplements. While mixing creatine and protein powder is generally safe and can have its benefits, it’s crucial to monitor your body’s response and adjust your dosage accordingly.

So, feel free to mix your creatine with your protein powder. It could be a convenient way to get the benefits of both supplements in one go.

This is why we include products with both in our list of the best post-workout supplements.

Does Creatine Have Caffeine?

No. Creatine is made from amino acids and does not contain caffeine or any other stimulants.

Does Creatine Work For Men and Women?

YES. Creatine is effective for helping both men and women build strength and improve exercise performance. 

Should Anybody NOT Take Creatine?

If you eat a ton of red meat (and here’s why you should be) then you’re getting plenty of creatine from your diet. And like most nutrients, there’s a point of diminishing returns. A 16-ounce steak contains around 2 grams of creatine. The recommended serving for creatine is 5 grams per day. Even if you’re a red meat eater, it’s worth trying creatine monohydrate to see if you respond to it.

The internet might yell at me but I’d give creatine to small children, too.

One easy way to gauge its effectiveness is to see if you gain weight within a few days. It will be water weight, but the gain will be a sign that you aren’t saturated with creatine and therefore can benefit from creatine supplementation.

Final Thoughts on Creatine Supplements

There is no best creatine supplement. And every year, I see more and more creatine supplements on the market, often with different forms of creatine. Those companies, I’m sure, will talk about a new form of creatine that is superior in every way. There may be some truth to it. Only further research will tell.

But what we know right now is that creatine monohydrate is one of the most well-researched supplements, period. It’s inexpensive, effective, and safe. Creatine HCl absorbs better, but costs more, so that’s the trade-off.

About the Author

David William Rosales is a writer and strength coach. He's the head trainer and editor at Roman Fitness Systems. In addition to helping run RFS, he's also the head editor for, the official website of the Strength and Conditioning Association of Professional Hockey. You can also check out his Instagram, he's pretty easy on the eyes.

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