Client Contest!

Oh heyyyy! Wouldja look at that – a short video for you to watch where I outline a contest I am running, all done beside a cactus! You’d be amazed just how many great things one can accomplish when in the company of cacti. 

So, I am just gonna assume you already clicked play and are currently bewitched by my dulcet toned voice. To make things even easier on you, I’ll just bullet point the pertinent details below for quick reference:

  • I am looking for MOAR awesome clients, very much resembling yourself! 
  • In doing so, I am coming to my core group of great peoples and offering a heavy incentive for referrals.
  • For every one person you refer who fully signs up, I will gift you ONE free month – no limits, no restrictions – valued currently at $397 a month.
  • Anyone referred by you will pay YOUR promotional pricing – they will absolutely NOT be at full price, this way the discounts are extended for all! 
  • BONUS PRIZE: Whomever happens to refer the MOST clients (that successfully sign up) will get an ADDITIONAL free month on top of however many they already earned.
  • DOUBLE BONUS: Whomever you refer will ALSO receive a free month of coaching! This freebie will be their final month, whenever that should come to pass. 

I should’ve been tapped to host “the Price is Right.” I would’ve been excellent at describing all those games on a stage in a dapper suit. That makes yet another thing Drew Carey has stolen from me (I’ll save this story for another time). 

At some point someone you know has commented on all the work you’ve been putting in the gym. Many have sent me stories about how someone at the gym has seen them mid-lift and trotted over to pepper them with questions. Quite possibly you have a friend or family member who has been talking about getting in shape forever, but they haven’t really followed through. This is the trigger pull for all of the above!

To make this entire process as easy as possible, just send them THIS LINK – and I will take good care of this person, AND send you my deepest of grattitude. The end goal here is to spread the awesome around to as many who are ready to receive it!

Thank you again for you continued efforts towards awesomery, and if you have ANY questions whatsoever, or just wish to chat me up further about this, you know exactly how to reach me. 

(Your) Coach Roman

PS: Gonna keep the super bonus offers open for a whole month! So this is plenty of time to get the word out. All you need to do is send them to the referral page, here!