tudca vs milk thistle

TUDCA vs Milk Thistle: The Liver Support Showdown

Your detoxification organs – your liver, kidneys, and colon – never take a break. They’re like the unsung heroes of your body, tirelessly behind the scenes, neutralizing and eliminating environmental toxins, excess hormones, free radicals, and other…

NAD Patches

What Are NAD Patches, And How Do They Work?

Let’s be real; the market is flooded with hundreds of “longevity” supplements with zero scientific backing.  But NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a different story. It’s a science-backed anti-aging nutrient that’s a hit among biohackers and health enthusiasts…

Lion's Mane for Sleep

Lion’s Mane Before Bed: Will It Help or Hurt Your Sleep?

Sleep, that elusive and precious state of rest, plays a vital role in our overall health and well-being. The severity of sleeplessness, or insomnia, cannot be underestimated. It affects our mood, cognitive function, and even…

Apigenin for Sleep: How it Works, Dose, and All The Info You’ll Need

Drinking tea, specifically chamomile tea, is a tried and true way to wind down and prep the body for a good night’s rest. But you might not know that its sleepy side effects are largely…