salad spermidine rich foods

11 Foods High in Spermidine You’ll Actually Want to Eat

Spermidine has in my view the greatest origin story for any supplement ever. This is the kind of origin story superheroes could only dream of. The punchline is that, yes, as the name implies, it…

mct oil vs coconut oil

MCT Oil vs Coconut Oil: The Battle of the Healthy Fats

With the ketogenic diet and “bulletproof” coffee all the rage, MCT oil and coconut oil have emerged as rising stars for their performance, weight loss, and brain-boosting benefits. But here’s the thing: they’re different oils with lots…

No, Quercetin Is Not a Weight Loss Supplement

You’re probably here because you’ve heard claims about the weight loss benefits of quercetin and are wondering if it’s true. Trust me, I understand your curiosity. Just about every supplement that news sources have claimed…

glute training

3 Underrated Glute Stretches to Improve Your Squats and Reduce Pain

The glutes are one of the biggest muscle groups in your body. They’re also one of the most celebrated. While our culture at large will gravitate towards the aesthetic potency of the glute muscles, I,…