2-Minute Chia Seed Yogurt Recipe (30g+ of Protein!)

In many ways, this is just an extension of my article on a high-protein yogurt bowl. I think when it comes to yogurt recipes, it’s really easy to get fancy. It’s tempting to go by…

Explosive single-leg exercises

6 Explosive Single-Leg Exercises for Power, Athleticism, and Longevity

Over the past few years, I’ve shared more and more about how all of us need to train power, regardless of age. Training for power has numerous benefits, including: Longevity: Power is one of the…

Do No Harm

Why Neutral Grip Pull-Ups Are Just Better

Over the years, I’ve moved to prescribing exclusively neutral grip pull-ups. The reasons for this are simple: they’re more comfortable and safer, without sacrificing much else. If choosing between two exercises, all else equal, I…

5 Hip-Dominant Exercises For a Healthier Hips

Most lower-body exercises can be split into two main categories: knee-dominant exercises and hip-dominant exercises. The difference between these two lies in the degree of knee-flexion, or how much your knees bend. Knee dominant exercises…