man doing red light therapy comic style

Red Light Therapy and Testosterone: Not a Shred of Evidence

Red Light Therapy and Testosterone: Not a Shred of Evidence Okay so obviously Tucker Carlson is a danger to American democracy. That goes without saying. But I’d never thought I’d have to come on here…

tongkat ali supplements

Tongkat Ali for Women: Mood, Libido, and Hormone Support

 Tongkat Ali is indeed a botanical marvel. And it’s really starting to get the recognition it deserves. A few years ago, it was an esoteric herb. Now, it’s been touted by Rogan, Huberman, and much…

5 Best Fadogia Agrestis Supplements (2024)

Fadogia agrestis is a herb native to Africa, traditionally used as an aphrodisiac, known for its potential benefits to increase testosterone, libido, and vitality. While once an obscure herb, with only a small market as…

incline bench press

Floor Press vs Bench Press: Why The Floor Press is Underrated

In the world of strength training and bodybuilding, the bench press has long reigned as a cornerstone exercise, celebrated for its effectiveness in building upper body strength and muscle mass. However, nestled within the shadows…