7 Best Caffeine Pills (2024) Reviewed: Energy, Productivity, Workouts, and More

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A simple caffeine supplement may be one of the areas where you think all supplements are the same, or basically the same, and it’s a matter of choosing the most convenient.

However, this is not true at all. Caffeine pills are not created equally.

First, some contain cleaner forms of caffeine from higher-quality sources.

Second, there are caffeine pills to choose from, and others with an array of other ingredients. Which one is best for your, to an extent, depends on your goals.

Third, the dose matters. Unlike a cup of coffee, you take the dose all at once, and you can only shift it in increments of whatever each pill is.

Taking all of that into consideration, here are the best caffeine pill supplements on the market.

The Best Caffeine Pills of 2024 For Any Goal

*Note: We do have affiliate links throughout this article, which means we receive a commission if you purchase from any of our links. This supports our mission to bring complicated health and fitness info in an entertaining package. And it keeps us from putting up annoying things like banner ads. Those suck.

Best Overall Caffeine Pills: Performance Lab Caffeine+

Best Caffeine Pills for Working Out: Performance Lab Caffeine+

Best Natural Caffeine Pills: Performance Lab Caffeine+

Best Organic Caffeine Pills: Kaged PurCaf® Organic Caffeine

Best High-Dose Caffeine Pill: Kaged PurCaf® Organic Caffeine

Best Caffeine Pills for Productivity: Vyvamind

Best Caffeine Pills for Weight Loss: Life Extension Lightly Caffeinated Mega Green Tea Extract

Best Low Dose Caffeine Pills: Life Extension Lightly Caffeinated Mega Green Tea Extract

Best Time-Release Caffeine Pills: Genius Caffeine

1) Performance Lab Caffeine + (Best Overall) 

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  • Natural Caffeine
  • L-Tyrosine for Focus
  • L-Theanine for Focus + Relaxation
  • Vegan


  • Only 50mg of Caffeine
  • More Expensive

From a pure comprehensive and quality standpoint, this product is tough to beat. They use, like Kaged, a natural caffeine source and limit impurities across the board.

Each capsule has 50mg of natural caffeine, 100mg of theanine, 250mg of Ajipure® l-tyrosine, and B vitamins. L-tyrosine has also shown benefits for cognition and focus, especially in conjunction with caffeine.

I love that it’s a modest amount of caffeine. It’s enough to give you a nice boost of caffeine, without too much to give you jitters. From this product, you can expect smooth energy and focus. 

Each bottle has 30 capsules per bottle. This price is more than what you’ll pay for other products, but if cost is less of a factor for you then this is the most all-encompassing product on the market.

2) Kaged PurCaf® Organic Caffeine (Best Natural Caffeine Pill)

Kaged Organic Caffeine

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  • Organic, Natural Caffeine
  • Vegan
  • Informed-Sport Certified
  • Great Price


  • 200mg of Caffeine might be high for some

Kaged’s caffeine product uses a high-quality form of organic caffeine called PuCaf®.

This is 100% natural, organic, non-GMO, chemical-free, vegan-friendly, gluten-free, and third-party-tested caffeine. It has no fillers or preservatives. It’s also Informed-Sport Certified, so athletes of all levels can use it without worry.

Kaged’s caffeine comes from organic, green coffee beans. In contrast, a lot of products out there are made from synthetic sources. It provides a smooth, clean, lasting energy.

And, it comes at a very affordable price.

Often other companies with premium caffeine charge an excessive amount in order to boost their margins. But Kaged gives you the highest-quality caffeine at a great price.

Every bottle contains 100 caffeine capsules. Each capsule has 200mg of caffeine. This is a relatively high-dose, so it’s not for the caffeine sensitive.

3) Life Extension Lightly Caffeinated Mega Green Tea Extract (Best For Weight Loss) 

Life Extension Lightly Caffeinated Mega Green Tea Extract

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  • Supports Healthy Weight Loss
  • Vegan
  • Great Price


  • 25mg of Caffeine might be too low for some

Caffeine has a slight thermogenic effect, and has been reported to support healthy weight loss. However, if your goal is weight loss, then green tea extract, and specifically green tea extract high in EGCG, is what you’re looking for. Luckily, this product is standardized to 45% EGCG. 

Many green tea extract products are decaffeinated, but this product from Life Extension may be exactly what you’re looking for if you want the energy boost of caffeine along with the thermogenic effect of green tea extract. 

Every capsule contains ~25mg of caffeine. This is also a great low-caffeine option. 

For other green tea extract products, check out our article on the best green tea extract supplements.

4) Vyvamind (Best for Productivity)

Main Image


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  • 75mg of Caffeine
  • L-Tyrosine for Focus
  • L-Theanine for Focus + Relaxation
  • Choline for Cognition


  • More Expensive

Vyvamind isn’t strictly a caffeine supplement. It contains an array of high-quality ingredients for cognition and focus. Every serving has 75mg of caffeine, along with b vitamins, l-tyrosine, l-theanine, and CDP-choline.

This is a supplement for overall focus and attention, without the crash common with high amounts of caffeine. 

I wouldn’t take it as a pre-workout supplement, as it’s designed for mental focus and clarity, but for studying or overall productivity, its quality and comprehensive formula are hard to beat.

With Vyvamind, you’re paying for a lot more than a caffeine supplement.

5) Genius Caffeine Extended-Release Caffeine (Best for Sustained Energy + No Crash)

Genius Caffeine Extended Release Caffeine

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  • 100 mg of Caffeine 
  • No Jitters or Crash
  • Great Price
  • Vegan


  • Not suitable later in the day

Genius Caffeine stands out because it uses an extended-release caffeine form. This patented caffeine form uses microencapsulation to prolong the absorption of caffeine.

With regular caffeine, it will all begin to hit within 30-60 minutes, however, this caffeine form will slowly drip into your system over the course of several hours. This means hours of energy without the crash or jitters. 

This does have some downsides. It means you won’t feel the intense energy burst that you’ll get from other products, and it may take longer to fully leave your system, so you should take it earlier in the day. 

6) Sports Research L-Theanine & Caffeine

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  • 100 mg of Organic, Natural caffeine
  • 200 mg of L-Theanine for Focus + Relaxation 


  • Not Vegan

Caffeine and theanine have a synergistic effect. That is, the sum of the benefits is greater than its parts. This has been studied in several contexts. For example, caffeine and theanine together seem to improve ADHD symptoms in children more than each of them on their own (Nature).

In fact, in nature they often occur together, like in green tea.

So if you’re using caffeine and want to feel a combination of focus and energy this is a great option.

It also contains MCT oil,

And it’s vegan. They use a natural caffeine coffee fruit extract.

Each capsule contains 100mg of caffeine and 200mg of l-theanine. Each bottle comes with 60 softgels.

For more on theanine, you can check out our article on the best l-theanine supplements

7) EU Natural Elite Caffeine + L-Theanine

eu natural elite caffeine & l theanine

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 The average cup of coffee contains 125mg of caffeine. Most caffeine pill products contain between 100-250mg. If you want a lighter dose, though, you can try EU natural’s product, which has just 50mg of caffeine in each pill.

It also has 100mg of l-theanine, making it another great option for studying.

Each bottle contains 120 capsules.

The Benefits of Caffeine

While a lot of the time supplements are overhyped, caffeine has some serious research and evidence to back it up. I mean, literal wars have been fought over caffeine. 

In fact, it’s so powerful, that employers during the industrial revolution actually gave workers time off to consume it. “The coffee break,” birthed a whole new era of productivity. It honestly plays a huge role in why our working culture is as it is. If you took caffeine away from the world, I don’t think we’d make it through the end of the workweek. 

With that said, here are a few of the key effects of caffeine.

Increased Energy Levels

Caffeine is a natural stimulant that interacts with the central nervous system to boost energy levels. It blocks adenosine receptors, which are responsible for making you feel sleepy, thereby increasing alertness and reducing the perception of fatigue. This makes caffeine an excellent choice for those who need a quick energy boost, whether it’s for a workout or a study session.

Improved Mental Alertness

Caffeine has been shown to improve various aspects of cognitive function, including reaction time, memory, and mood. It stimulates the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine, which enhance focus and attention. This makes caffeine not just a physical performance enhancer but also a mental one, ideal for tasks that require sharpness and concentration.

May Enhance Physical Performance

Caffeine increases the release of adrenaline, a hormone that prepares your body for physical exertion. This leads to improved performance in high-intensity activities like sprinting, cycling, and weightlifting. It’s also particularly effective for endurance sports, helping athletes to push through the physical and mental barriers that come with prolonged activity.

Supports Thermogenesis and Weight Loss

Caffeine can boost metabolic rate and promote fat burning, thanks to its thermogenic properties. It also enhances the effects of other fat-burning compounds like green tea extract. While it’s not a magic pill for weight loss, when combined with a healthy diet and exercise, caffeine can give you that extra edge in burning calories and shedding fat.

Caffeine Pills vs Coffee

When it comes to getting your caffeine fix, both caffeine pills and coffee have their merits, but they serve different needs and preferences. Coffee is not just a caffeine delivery system; it’s a ritual, complete with aromatic allure and a complex flavor profile. It provides not only caffeine but also antioxidants and other beneficial compounds. However, coffee can be acidic, leading to potential digestive issues for some people, and its caffeine content can vary widely depending on how it’s brewed.

Caffeine pills, on the other hand, offer a more controlled dosage and a quicker, more convenient form of consumption. They are an excellent choice for those who need a predictable and focused energy boost, especially during workouts or intense study sessions. Unlike coffee, they don’t come with extra calories from sugar or cream, making them a more straightforward option for calorie-conscious individuals. Caffeine Pills also have the advantage of containing an array of ingredients for different goals. For example, you can choose one with more ingredients for focus, or one with a sustained-release form of caffeine.

Caffeine Pills vs Pre-Workout

The debate between caffeine pills and pre-workout supplements often boils down to specificity and complexity. Pre-workout supplements are formulated to provide a multi-faceted approach to exercise performance. They often contain a blend of ingredients designed to improve endurance, increase blood flow, and enhance focus. Ingredients like beta-alanine, citrulline malate, and BCAAs are common in pre-workouts and offer benefits that extend beyond the scope of caffeine alone.

With that said, if you don’t want to sip a sweet drink before your training, a caffeine pill can be a great option in-place of a pre-workout.


Does Caffeine Help With Weight Loss?

Caffeine does seem to have a thermogenic effect, so it may support weight loss as well. This is partially why it’s very popular in “fat burner” supplements.

What Are The Side Effects of Caffeine?

Excessive caffeine consumption can be a problem for a few reasons. In the acute, it will fuck up your sleep. In fact, even if you don’t “feel” the effects of the caffeine anymore, it can still prevent you from getting into deep sleep.

This happens to so many people. If you think caffeine in the evening doesn’t impact your sleep, I’m quite confident that you’re wrong, and no, you’re not special.

Second, Caffeine quickens your heart rate. If you take an excessive amount, it can cause heart problems. However, moderate amounts of caffeine haven’t shown to cause any issues with heart health. 

With moderate intake, you can manage these negative side effects easily. 

Are Regular Caffeine Pills Better Than Nootropics?

Not necessarily. On our list, we included a few “nootropic” like products. Really it depends on your goals and your budget. Nootropics combine lots of ingredients, and in doing so, drive up the price.

Let’s say, hypothetically, that simple caffeine (or even caffeine and theanine together) get you 80% of the way there in terms of peak focus and energy as a nootropic dose. Typically, it costs about 1/5 the price. That’s reflected in our list too. Kaged PurCaf is #1 in large part because it only costs a few bucks, because there’s nothing else but caffeine.

With this in mind, is it worth it to pay more to reach that last extra percent? That’s up to you.

It also depends on what you’re taking caffeine for. If you’re taking it just to help you reduce your dependency on energy drinks, then you don’t need a nootropic. However, if you’re using it for productivity or general cognitive performance, then take a look at Performance Lab Caffeine+ and Vyvamind

Will These Caffeine Pills Give Me The Jitters?

We probably all know what we’re talking about when we mention the caffeine jitters. It’s not so easy to say whether it will leave you jittery or not, but here are a few considerations.

The dose. A higher dose, and you’re more likely to get jittery.

Your caffeine tolerance. If you’re used to pounding caffeine, you won’t feel as jittery.

Synergistic ingredients. L-theanine, in particular, is known for “taking the edge” off of caffeine, and may make a product less likely to give you the jitters.

When Should I Use Caffeine Pills?

The optimal timing for taking caffeine pills depends on your specific goals and needs. If you’re using them to enhance workout performance, it’s generally recommended to take them about 30 to 60 minutes before exercise. This allows enough time for the caffeine to enter your bloodstream and start taking effect.

For cognitive tasks or long periods of focus, taking a caffeine pill at the onset of the task can help maintain sustained attention and alertness. However, it’s essential to consider the half-life of caffeine and how it may affect your sleep if taken too late in the day. For most people, 12-2 pm is a good caffeine cut-off.

Lastly, if you’re using caffeine pills for weight loss or thermogenesis, taking them in the morning can help kickstart your metabolism for the day.

On the longer-term scale, there’s a case to be made for cycling caffeine.

Does Caffeine Have Long-Term Health Benefits?

Caffeine, although it has downsides, does seem to have long-term health benefits. For example, some research has suggested that caffeine can actually lower the risk of stroke and some cancers.

Are Caffeine Pills a Good Replacement for Energy Drinks?

Yes. In fact, one of the many use cases for caffeine pills is to ween off of less-than-desirable caffeine sources. If you’re used to drinking energy drinks, I hate to break it to you, but you probably have a bit of a caffeine addiction.

There are lots to bring your caffeine intake back to normal (and without the excess sugar and other crap in energy drinks). One is to take a simple caffeine pill when you’re craving one.

Will this work for soft drinks too?

The history of caffeine is soda is (if you’re a nerd like me) quite interesting. Caffeine adds zero flavor or taste to something like a Coke, yet it has always been a part of their formula. Why? Simply, when we consume caffeine, we get the hit of energy and dopamine that comes with it, making us feel better about our choice to grab the soda, which may make us more likely to grab a Coke again in the future. 

This is an unnecessary history lesson, which is all to say: yes. You can also use caffeine pill strategically to replace soda. However, go with a lower-dose pill. 

What is Caffeine Anhydrous?

Caffeine anhydrous is a form you’ll see in lots of caffeine supplements, as well as in supplements like pre-workouts. It comes from the same plants, and all of the extra stuff gets filtered out. In fact, “anhydrous” means “without water.”

How it stacks up to regular caffeine is still subject to debate. Caffeine anhydrous is significantly more stronger. We would never recommend self-dosing caffeine anhydrous, because small differences in amounts can make a HUGE difference in the effects.

As of now, in terms of effects, there don’t seem to be huge differences as long as you properly dose it.

How Much Caffeine is Too Much?

This will depend on the person, since we all have different sensitivities to caffeine. The FDA says that 400 mg of caffeine per day is safe. However, it will vary.

Taking caffeine pills is an easy way to accidentally take too much caffeine. Make sure you monitor your dose, especially if you’re also taking things like pre-workout, or drinking a lot of coffee.

How Does Caffeine Work?

Caffeine is classified as a stimulant. This means it increases your central nervous system (brain) activity. It also encourages the release of certain sympathetic hormones like cortisol, dopamine, and epinephrine (adrenaline if you’re British.) These brain chemicals and neurotransmitters mean we feel fucking awesome and ready to take on life. You can thank them for the energy boost as well. 

It helps us stay awake by a slightly different mechanism. Basically, it blocks receptors, called adenosine receptors, which signal to our body that we should be sleepy. In sum, it just makes us avoidant as fuck about being tired. 

What If I Prefer a Drink-Based Caffeine Option?

Drinks have a few benefits over pills. One, you take can as much or as little as you feel you need each day. With pills, you’re restricted by the exact dose of one pill.

If you want a drink option, I mean, coffee is an obvious choice. Or tea, if you prefer a smaller dose. You can also go with pre-workouts if you use it for training, or a nootropic if it’s for studying.

Can I Take Caffeine Pills Every Day?

Caffeine is generally safe to take daily, provided you stay under the recommended guidelines. (For most, it’s 400mg a day, but even this is a lot.) With that said, you can build a tolerance to caffeine. It will still keep you awake, but taking caffeine at the same dose daily will mean you will get less and less of the focus and performance benefits as time goes on.

How Long Do The Effects of Caffeine Pills Last?

The half-life of caffeine varies between individuals but generally ranges from 3 to 5 hours. This means that the noticeable effects of a caffeine pill can last for several hours, depending on your metabolism and sensitivity to caffeine. Keep this in mind when timing your dosage, especially if you’re sensitive to caffeine or have trouble sleeping.

Can I Drink Coffee And Take Caffeine Pills?

Combining caffeine pills with other sources of caffeine like coffee can lead to excessive caffeine intake, which may result in jitteriness, increased heart rate, and digestive issues. If you’re considering combining the two, it’s crucial to monitor your total caffeine intake carefully and stay within the recommended daily limits.

Are Caffeine Pills Different Than Caffeine Tablets?

No. You’ll see products marketed as tablets, but they’re basically the same thing. Instead of coming in gelatin capsules (or a vegan version), they come as a tablet. 

Is Caffeine an Amino Acid?

Nope. It’s in a different class of organic chemical compounds. You can ask the chemistry nerds for more on this.

Do These Products Have Artificial Sweeteners?

No. One of the benefits of simple capsules, is you don’t need to add any kind of flavor. 

What Else Can I Use As An Energy Supplement?

Good sleep is the best energy supplement out there. And it doesn’t come with adverse effects or downsides that nearly any supplement can give you. So I would start there. 

Beyond that, your best bet truly is caffeine, or other supplements that include caffeine. 

Caffeine is one of nature’s finest natural stimulants.

Disclaimer: Talk to your healthcare provider before taking any dietary supplement, including caffeine. Remember, the FDA (food and drug administration) does not regulate supplements like they do food, so don’t take them without talking to your healthcare pro.

About the Author

David William Rosales is a writer and strength coach. He's the head trainer and editor at Roman Fitness Systems. In addition to helping run RFS, he's also the head editor for, the official website of the Strength and Conditioning Association of Professional Hockey. You can also check out his Instagram, he's pretty easy on the eyes.

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