Walking Can Count As Cardio. Here’s How to Make It So.

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If you walk like a New Yorker, it certainly is.

Walking is as innate to our species as the very breath that sustains us—our first foray into motion, an evolutionary hallmark that set us apart on the Serengeti.

After all, you’ve seen this photo.

Thank you macrovector for the lovely photo.

You probably already know about the numerous health benefits of regularly walking as well.

For example, this study showed that 22 minutes per day of walking could undo health risks of a sedentary life. Other research shows that walking after meals reduce your blood sugar spike.

The benefits of walking are not on trial today. What’s on trial today is whether it counts as cardio.

While it won’t check all of your cardio boxes (I recommend you do some other stuff too), it can cover a lot. When done at a pace and intensity that increases the demands on your heart, walking can effectively challenge your cardiovascular system and provide numerous health benefits.

The key lies in walking at a brisk pace or incorporating some inclines or higher-intensity intervals into your routine to truly get your heart rate up.

So, as we explore the topic of walking as cardio, we’ll dive into the benefits, techniques, and best practices to make the most out of your walking workouts. 

First, What is Cardio?

Before we can know whether walking counts as cardio, we have to define our terms.

Cardio refers to activities that primarily target our cardiovascular system. These exercises, such as running, cycling, or dancing, increase our heart rate. Essentially, cardio exercises are all about getting our hearts pumping and sweat flowing.

Therefore, by the simplest definition almost all walking is cardio. It may take a slower pace than other intense workouts, but it still challenges our heart and lungs, depending on the intensity and duration. Plus, walking comes with the added benefit of being low-impact, perfect for anyone seeking a gentler form of cardiovascular exercise.


However, to make it really count, you’ll want to walk briskly and get into what’s called “Zone 2”

A leisurely stroll may not significantly elevate our heart rate, but brisk walking, power walking, or walking with added inclines can give our cardiovascular system a good workout. To make waking replace your jogging on the treadmill or stationary bike workouts, here’s what yo have to do.

We all know that walking has a million and one health benefits, but how can we ensure we’re making the most of our walking workouts?

That’s where Zone 2 Training comes in. Achieving a heart rate in Zone 2 while walking can help us build endurance and improve our cardiovascular fitness.

This is a moderate-intensity level where we can still hold a conversation, but it’s slightly uncomfortable.

If that’s how you feel while walking, you’re in zone 2. You can also calculate it with a simple formula: 180 minus your age. For example, if you are 30 years old, your estimated Zone 2 heart rate would be around 150 beats per minute (180-30=150).

If you’re a New Yorker shaking your head at slow walkers as you breeze passed them, you’re probably the type of person who gets solid cardio while walking.

Strategies to Get Into Zone 2

1) Make it an incline. To keep our heart rate in Zone 2, we might need to find terrain that challenges us but allows for a manageable pace. If you’re on a treadmill, you can bump the incline up to around 5-10%. This will make it more challenging from an aerobic cardio lens right away. As a native Vermonter, hiking has always been more preferred way to get this. I’m from the middle of the woods and we have some great trails, including an infamous “acorn hill” which is brutal for both superhero sprints and for making my walks put me into Zone 2.

2) Walk like a New Yorker. Also, just walk faster. Remember, to hit Zone 2 you should be able to talk while walking, but it might be a bit difficult to maintain a full conversation.

3) Use a heart rate monitor. For the hyper-neurotic among us, you can wear a heart rate monitor or fitness tracker. That way, you can know exactly when you’re in Zone 2.

4) Walk somewhere pleasant. Finally, your environment can make a big difference in your motivation. If there are nature trails, hikes, public parks, or pleasant streets that are nice for walking, go there.

Those are the key strategies, but the methods to do this consistently are perhaps more important.

Walking Won’t Check Every Cardio Box

While walking can check your Zone 2 cardio, a complete cardio program includes high-intensity training. We can call this zone 5 (90-100% of your max.)

While you don’t need to spend much time in zone 5, incorporating some high-intensity training provides important benefits, like improving VO2 max, increasing increases muscle fiber recruitment and muscle power (crucial as you age, as it goes first), and has many metabolic health benefits.

So zone 2 walking is great, but don’t forget to do some kind of sprinting or all-out effort. 

For those who are worried about injuries, I typically recommend two forms for this.

First, find an assault/spin bike, like I’m doing in this video. (You can steal this 4-minute workout for it as well.)


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Second, are hill sprints. The angle makes it significantly safer. You can check out some great hill sprint workouts in this article on Super Sprints.   

How to Incorporate Walking as Cardio Into Your Life

Get the Right Walking Gear

This may sound obvious, but I’ve found it common for those who begin a training program to be using clothing and shoes which are woefully inadequate. Invest in a good pair of walking shoes.

For example, when I moved back to Vermont for a little while, I bought myself high-end, expensive hiking boots. Why? Because now I knew I would go hiking since I just spent all that money. It was sort of like tricking myself into doing more cardio because I “had to get my money’s worth.” I certainly have. 

Taper Up

If you’re currently not doing any cardio, it’s okay to just go on short, normal walks. You can increase your pace and incline over time. 

Remember to always warm up before getting started, and use the talk test to ensure our walking pace is appropriate for our goals. 

Walking in Different Conditions

Don’t let the weather or environment stop us from getting our cardio in. If you get bored of your routine, or it’s raining outside or muddy in the woods, there are other options available. If outdoor conditions aren’t ideal, you can try indoor walking options like using a treadmill at a local gym. Nearly every gym will have ample treadmills. I also like the track as a low-impact method.

Live Somewhere Walkable

When I lived in New York City, I walked nearly everywhere. In my first year, I lived on the 14th floor and even took the stairs as an excuse to get some Zone 2. One of the best ways to get more steps in is to live somewhere that’s not car-dependent. This way, in your everyday life you’ll get your cardio in without even trying. Unfortunately, in the US, that limits you to a few neighborhoods in each of our big cities, plus most of NYC. However, one of my favorite YouTube channels, City Nerd, has some ideas on affordable and varied walking areas:


Although in my hometown area of Burlington, many young people walk and bike everywhere. If you live in the right spot, near your place of work, you can do it. It might be one of the best investments in your health. It’s well-documented that those who walk to work are generally healthier.

Challenges and Precautions of Walking

Walking is a popular and beneficial form of cardio exercise, but it’s crucial to be aware of potential challenges and precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. In this section, we’ll address the potential risks, considerations for individuals with health conditions, and ways to protect your joints and bones while walking.

Potential Risks

As with any physical activity, there are possible risks associated with walking. Some of these include:

Injury: Overuse injuries, such as shin splints and plantar fasciitis, can occur if you increase your walking distance or intensity too quickly. To prevent injuries, gradually increase your walking routine and listen to your body’s signals.

Joint issues: Walking can put strain on joints like the knees, hips, and ankles. If you feel pain from walking, it’s best to get your walking gait examined by a physical therapist. It doesn’t matter how comfy for your shoes are, if you’re walking incorrectly, the pain will always return.

Protecting Your Joints and Bones

Taking care of your joints and bones is vital for a long-lasting, enjoyable walking routine. Here are some practical tips to keep in mind:

Choose the right shoes: Invest in quality, well-cushioned walking shoes. In particular, go for ones without too much heel lift, as heels will impact your walking posture.

Mind your posture: Walk with an upright posture, engaging your core muscles and avoiding excessive movement in your arms and upper body. As mentioned, it’s not a bad idea to see a physical therapist.

Vary your walking surfaces: Mixing up the terrain you walk on, such as grass, trails, and pavement, can reduce the impact on your joints and bones.

Warm-up and cooldown: Begin your walk with a gentle warm-up, such as marching in place or gently stretching your muscles. After your walk, spend a few minutes stretching to maintain flexibility and reduce the risk of injury. Luckily, your boy has written a whole program for this. Exercise Foreplay: 5-Minute Warm-Up Programs. I just put it back on sale for $19. Even if you find just one exercise in it that helps you feel better and live injury-free, it’ll be 10x worth the investment.

Exercise Foreplay

Making Walking Fun

We all know that the hardest part of a workout is often just getting started. Here are some tips to help make your walking cardio routine fun, enjoyable, and something you’ll want to stick to for the long haul.

Walk with a Friend

Whether you walk with a friend, family member, or even your dog, having a companion by your side can make your walks more enjoyable. Engaging in conversation as you walk not only keeps things fun but also helps the time fly by. And if you have a dog, they’ll appreciate the exercise too.

Creating a Walking Playlist

Your walks can be a great time to finally listen to that song your friend sent you.

Walk With a Podcast

If music isn’t your thing, try listening to podcasts or audiobooks during your walks. Choose topics that interest you or stories that captivate your attention. This way, you’ll not only be exercising your body but also expanding your knowledge or escaping to a different world. Time will fly by as you immerse yourself in the content, making your walking cardio routine an engaging and mentally stimulating experience.

I even do this when I train, as I wrote about in this article on why you should listen to audiobooks while you train.

Motivating Yourself to Walk

To stay consistent with your walking cardio routine, set achievable goals, and reward yourself as you reach them. Tracking your progress with a fitness app can help keep you motivated and aware of your improvements. You can also use visual cues, like marking off dates on a calendar, to remind yourself of how far you’ve come. Remember, the key is to make your walking routine enjoyable, and over time, you’ll find it becomes a natural part of your daily life.

How to Progress a Walking Routine

For those of us who already walk but want to make our cardio sessions more intense, there are several ways we can progress our walking routine. In this section, we’ll discuss a few options to increase the intensity of your walks and turn them into more effective workouts.

Increase The Incline

One great way to challenge our cardiovascular system is by increasing the incline of our path. If we’re walking on a treadmill, we can simply add an incline setting. When walking outdoors, we can look for nearby hills or even take our walks to the next level by tackling a mountain hike.

Go Rucking

Another approach to intensify our cardio walks is by adding weight, a method known as “rucking.” We can achieve this by wearing a weighted vest or carrying a backpack with some weights added. It’s essential to start with a weight that’s manageable for us, and we can gradually increase it as we get stronger and more comfortable with the extra load.

Track It

Tracking our walking stats can help us stay motivated and monitor our progress. For instance, we can time our walks and aim to improve our pace over time. Alternatively, if we decide to add weights to our walking routine, we can try to maintain our usual time despite the added challenge. As the saying goes, what gets measured gets managed.

In summary, incorporating inclines, adding weights, and tracking our stats can help us further develop our walking routine and turn it into a more intense cardio workout. Remember to adjust these challenges to our capabilities and always prioritize our safety and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does brisk walking count as cardio?

Yes, brisk walking counts as cardio. When you walk at a faster pace, you challenge your cardiovascular system and increase demand, which improves overall fitness.

How can I improve my cardio while walking?

To improve cardio while walking, focus on increasing your speed, duration, and incline. Adding interval training or hill walking to your routine can also boost the intensity of your workouts and enhance your cardiovascular health.

Is walking better than other cardio exercises?

While walking can be an effective cardio workout, it’s not necessarily better than other exercises. The ideal cardio workout depends on a person’s preferences, fitness level, and goals. However, walking is an accessible and low-impact option for most people. 

How long should I walk for effective cardio?

For effective cardio benefits, we recommend walking for at least 30 minutes per day, at a moderate to brisk pace. The American Heart Association suggests aiming for 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity per week.

How many days per week should I walk?

Aim to walk at least five days per week for optimal cardio benefits. This consistency will help you achieve the recommended 150 minutes of weekly aerobic activity and support your overall cardiovascular health.

Should I take pre-workout before my cardio walks and hikes?

You won’t want a traditional pre, but there are lots of supplements designed for cardio

Do I need to hit 10,000 steps?

While reaching 10,000 steps a day can be a motivating goal, it’s not an exact requirement for cardiovascular health. Simply doing some form of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity for 150 minutes per week is enough to promote a healthy heart.

Can walking on a treadmill provide cardiovascular benefits?

Absolutely! Walking on a treadmill can provide similar cardiovascular benefits as outdoor walking. Adjust the speed, incline, and interval settings to tailor a workout that challenges your cardiovascular system and meets your fitness goals.

Is a 30-minute walk enough for cardiovascular health?

A 30-minute walk, especially if done daily, can be sufficient for cardiovascular health. Ensure that your pace is moderate to brisk so that you challenge your heart and lungs. Consistency and intensity are key to making the most of your walk for cardiovascular benefits.

About the Author

David William Rosales is a writer and strength coach. He's the head trainer and editor at Roman Fitness Systems. In addition to helping run RFS, he's also the head editor for, the official website of the Strength and Conditioning Association of Professional Hockey. You can also check out his Instagram, he's pretty easy on the eyes.

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