A Sample From Our New Program “The Landmine Workout”

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Introducing, the Landmine Workout

Welcome to the launch of our brand-new program The Landmine Workout.

I’m a huge fan of landmine exercises, obviously. I’ve written now about seven articles on them.

But really David, a whole program of landmine exercises?

There are a whole host of physiological and practical benefits which I outline on the page, so I’m not gonna get into that here.

Instead, I’m just gonna give you a sample workout so you can get a taste of the program.

The program comes with a 3-day/week full-body program and a 4-day/week program with an upper-body/lower-body split.

This is Day 1, Week 1 from the 3-day program, so it’s a full-body workout.

Workout Instructions and Links

A1) Landmine Squat – 8 reps

A2) Landmine T-Bar Row – 8 reps

A3) Alternating Spiderman Stretch – 5 reps each side

Perform exercises A1-A3, resting about 30 seconds in between exercises. Rest 1-2 minutes in between sets. Repeat for three sets. 

B1) Landmine Press – 1/2 kneeling – 8 each side

B2) Landmine 1-leg Stiff-Leg Deadlift – 8 each side

B3) Hip Lift Holds* – 2 reps each side

*hold for ten seconds each

Perform exercises B1-B3, resting about 30 seconds in between exercises. Rest 1-2 minutes in between sets. Repeat for three sets. 

C1) Landmine Antirotations – 4 each side

C2) Landmine Cossack Squats – 6 each side

C3) Half-Kneeling Dorsiflexion – 8 each side

Perform exercises C1-C3, resting about 30 seconds in between exercises. Rest 1-2 minutes in between sets. Repeat for three sets. 

And here’s the workout as it appears in the program.

On each sheet, you have space to fill in weights and notes for four weeks of workouts. 

the landmine workout sample

landmine workout sample

This is just one eight weeks of workouts, along with our exercise database, containing instructions for dozens of landmine exercises.

This isn’t even mentioning the benefits of landmine training, which I discuss more here.

The Landmine Workout Program.

About the Author

David William Rosales is a writer and strength coach. He's the head trainer and editor at Roman Fitness Systems. In addition to helping run RFS, he's also the head editor for, the official website of the Strength and Conditioning Association of Professional Hockey. You can also check out his Instagram, he's pretty easy on the eyes.

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