5 Ways Yoga Can Make You Stronger [VIDEO]

Combine yoga with weight lifting to achieve maximum performance with minimal pain and injury.

I Don’t Want To Sprint Because I’m Afraid I’ll Accidentally Qualify For the Olympics

ROMAN’S NOTE: Today’s guest post is written by my good friend, Molly Galbraith. She’s an awesome coach, athlete, and all around bad-ass; she’s also one of the founders of Girls Gone Strong, and the author…

My “Problem” with Kettlebells

Roman gives a breakdown of his opinions on kettlebell training, concerning dogma, posterior chain work, and a sample workout from kettlebell expert Neghar Fonooni, author of Lean & Lovely.

Female Coregasms

Roman gives some insight on female coregasms, including research from Indiana University, and a core workout designed for…well, ya know.