best red light therapy devices

12 Best Red Light Therapy Devices (2024) Compared and Reviewed

Red light therapy (or RLT) is a non-invasive, natural treatment gaining recognition for its anti-aging, skin healing, hair growth, weight loss, pain relief, and recovery benefits.  For years RLT was a well-kept wellness secret among civilian…

Lion's Mane for Sleep

Lion’s Mane Before Bed: Will It Help or Hurt Your Sleep?

Sleep, that elusive and precious state of rest, plays a vital role in our overall health and well-being. The severity of sleeplessness, or insomnia, cannot be underestimated. It affects our mood, cognitive function, and even…

maca vs tongkat ali

Maca vs Tongkat Ali: A Head-to-Head Match Up Of Natural Testosterone Boosters

It’s no secret that men’s testosterone levels are on the decline. We won’t get into the reasons why today (you can check out the New York Times bestseller Engineering The Alpha written by our eponymous…

Apigenin for Sleep: How it Works, Dose, and All The Info You’ll Need

Drinking tea, specifically chamomile tea, is a tried and true way to wind down and prep the body for a good night’s rest. But you might not know that its sleepy side effects are largely…