stopwatch tracking data

Tracking Data: What Gets Measured Gets Managed

In the competitive physique world, everybody takes progress pictures. They weigh themselves meticulously, wrapping old-fashioned measuring tapes around their waist, thighs, and biceps. Even their chicken breast gets weighed.  Measuring progress is part of the…

Polyphasic Sleep

Ushering Uberman: My Experience with Polyphasic Sleep

I didn’t go to bed for two weeks straight. And I was still a functioning, working, only slightly sleep-deprived person. And in the last two months, I’ve rarely slept for more than five consecutive hours.…

hamstring exercises

Best At-Home Hamstring Exercises

‘Twas the third month of quarantine, when I got swindled into going on a run. Now, I hate running. Like really hate it. My limit to enjoying running ends at 50 meters. Yet, a friend…

Felix Felicis

Seven Simple, Unconventional Biohacking Strategies

What The Hell is “Biohacking?” As if you can really “hack” your biology… Judging by the number the articles and books with “biohacking” in the title, apparently, you can. Let’s make one thing clear: biohacking…