FACT: Massive Forearms Unlock the Mysteries of the Universe

When your arms look strong and muscular, the rest of your body will appear more so—and this forearms workout is all you need.

The Art of Influence: 11 Techniques to Steal from House of Cards

Frank Underwood is a master at getting people to do what he wants. Give these techniques a try and you can do the same.

How to Make People Love You in 5 Minutes

This is one of my daily practices. It’s simple, fast, and you can do it as soon as you finish reading the article.

Embracing Life When It Sucks: On Death, Forgiveness and Living in the Moment No Matter What

There isn’t a “right way” to grieve, and there shouldn’t be a rush to get back to “normal”. You’ll develop a new normal, and that’s a gift.