Come in from the Cold

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This may well be the most important blog post I ever write.

In fact, it may be the most important and (hopefully) influential piece of writing I’ve ever published. This isn’t going to be about fitness, and it isn’t going to be about nutrition; at least, not directly.

I don’t have any groundbreaking exercise program to share with you, or any cutting edge diet plan. I don’t even have a funny story to share with you.

Instead, I want to talk about you—or really, about us. All of us. About me, and about anyone who reads this blog.

You see, when I started this site, I was intending to create more than just a website where I could give out information—my aim was to craft a community that people could contribute in order to both learn about and discuss fitness, nutrition, pop-culture, and themselves.

That said, I am not the most important piece in this puzzle. I’m just one of many fitness bloggers looking to dish out info and help people get into shape.

YOU are the most important part of this.

Becasue this community cannot flourish, cannot fulfill all of the promise and potential that I KNOW exists if you do not participate.

This blog post is for the lurkers—those of you who stop by, check out the post, and leave. Look, I’m happy to provide you with as much information and entertainment as I’m capable of. I love knowing that a lot of you are digging the blog, because I truly want to help people…but frankly, I enjoy writing so much I’d probably blog into empty space.

Now, I have to mention, I have lot of readers who comment regularly—but here is a fun little factoid.

 As of this writing, I have an email list of roughly 60,000 people. Every time I send out a newsletter linking to a new blog, an average of just about 15% of you open it. Of the 12,000 people who open that email, about 1,000 people click through to the blog, or ~8.5% (more accurately, it’s 5% of the total people who received the email).

Now, withing being immodest, that’s actually pretty good. The chart on the right indicates interaction in the “average” online community–which is about where we’re at now, all told. As you know, I don’t care much for average.

Besides, if 1,000 people are reading, the fact that I get an average of 60-80 comments per post isn’t as great—especially considering that a good portion of them are comments from me responding to questions.

It’s a tight little family of commentors, but I KNOW we can do better.

Here is a real eye-opening question: have you ever stopped to consider that your comment might be more valuable to someone than my ENTIRE post?

I am generally writing from an informative perspective, and I try to give the best I can, but I often miss out on some little stuff that could probably help a lot. If you ask a question that allows me to clarify the finer points, we’ve added to the value of the post.

More importantly, YOU probably have a ton of insight and information to share with others; we can ALL learn a lot from each other, and that includes me.

I truly believe that the value of this entire website is ultimately going to be determined not by how many posts I put up, or even the quality information contained in those posts—it’s value will be determined by how many people this site helps, and the degree to which we can help them.

The value of any blog update at Roman Fitness Systems is less in the post and more in the quality of the conversation that results from the post, and how the interaction allows us to build relationships.

It’s those relationships that keep bringing us back to the site, and as you do that, you’ll keep adding value and helping all of us improve.

I need you help add value; I need you to become part of the conversation.

And so, this post is your call to action. NOW is the time to come in from the cold, and take a seat at the table. It’s time to join the community.

Here’s the next step: today, if you’ve never posted before (and even if you have), I want you to just comment. And don’t just say hi. I want you to take it a step further.

Post your current goal, and how WE (not just I) can help you get there.

Come out, come out, wherever you are…

About the Author

John Romaniello is a level 70 orc wizard who spends his days lifting heavy shit and his nights fighting crime. When not doing that, he serves as the Chief Bro King of the Roman Empire and Executive Editor here on RFS. You can read his articles here, and rants on Facebook.

Comments for This Entry

  • Taylor Burns

    Hey Roman, Huge fan of yours but don't really ever comment. I will start to. I have many goals, but the two I'm really focused on right now are to deadlift 500 by Christmas, and to get legitimately shredded for the first time in my life. (I've always been in good shape and look pretty good, but I don't want to just look pretty good anymore.)

    August 23, 2015 at 1:58 am

  • Johnny

    Hi. I recently turned 40, and realized that a life of practically no exercise wasn't working for me anymore. I completely changed my eating lifestyle, and have begun to exercise regularly. I am working my way up to your Superhero workout. I have always been a huge nerd, and I love the thought of this kind of program. Thank you for all you do.

    July 4, 2012 at 2:10 pm

  • Rhiarti

    Ah wow, you're so right to nudge people about this! I'm as guilty of it as anyone, always tending to comment on Facebook or Twitter, rather than directly on the post itself. Shall endeavour to fix that from now on, especially as yours is reliably one of my favourite blogs to visit! My current primary goal focus is actually carving out a more fitting career for myself. I reckon nearly 20 years in business admin is enough to conclusively prove it's possible to hate doing something you're really good at! I'm basically aiming to work freelance, providing all-round fitness support: designing workout programmes, advising on nutrition, postural correction, and possibly sports massage. Took the important first step and emptied my savings account on taking my gym instructor certification with a view to working in a gym and taking additional courses as and when I'd saved up enough. Transpires absolutely no commutable gyms are hiring, and there's a notable lack of decent course providers in the area too. Er... oh. Not sure if anyone can help, but hey, you asked what our goals were! Meanwhile, thank you for all the excellent posts and advice you share, and sincere apologies for rewarding that work by having been such a shameful lurker.

    July 4, 2012 at 10:45 am

  • Rajat Desikan

    Hi John Thanks for the wake up call :) My goal is to reach 208 pounds at 10-11% BF as soon as possible. I am really happy with the advice that you throw out in your posts. Thanks a lot.

    July 4, 2012 at 6:51 am

  • Rashid

    hi. ... ... JK. I used to follow all the fitness guys and subscribe to their emails. NOW, the only one whose blogs still keeps me entertained AND informed is (Drum roll please)...... Roman! At this moment, I have three goals. My first goal is that I want to do more than two consecutive muscle ups on gymnastic rings. I am currently unable to hold the false grip on the eccentric motion of the exercise for more than two reps, but I know that it just takes practice. My second goal is to become a better skateboarder, in terms of both vert skating and street skating. My third goal is to be the valedictorian for my class this year. I have been working on this goal for about 2 and a half years already, and it will finally be worth the hard work.

    July 4, 2012 at 3:48 am

  • Mateo E Solano

    Not sure how you all can help with my goals but certainly if there is anything that I can do to help any of you I'm more than willing to help... Joseph would you like a wake call/text :)... Christine do you need any virtual assistant help with any of your business needs (= Michael looks like John has you covered but if you think of anything let me know buddy ;) Ian, I'm right there with you on your goals right now I'm not living for myself or for anybody else I'm not even living I'm simply just existing (not good but changing that as we speak)... John is a great example of how you can live your life on your own terms let me know what if anything I can do to help.../ Maria keep up the effort, sound like you have a lot to focus on if you ever want any support I'm happy to help email, fb what ever... Xander not sure if I followed your comment but I'm sure you meant something great... As for me well each day is a new moment and opportunity start new which is what I am doing now. Right now as school ends for the summer I am looking for work and hope to get an internship with Alwyn Cosgrove of Results fitness as well as getting hired as a personal trainer. I also want to establish myself online in the future. I have my own articles dealing with fitness and my own take on things and I believe a somewhat unique point of view but have yet to publish any of it. So my goal in this area is to get organized and learn how to collaborate with people in putting together my ideas that I have into e books for workout programs. Thanks for the invite in Roman, it was kind of chilly out there, much warmer now

    July 4, 2012 at 3:03 am

  • Mateo E Solano

    Not sure how you all can help with my goals but certainly if there is anything that I can do to help any of you I'm more than willing to help... Joseph would you like a wake call/text :)... Christine do you need any virtual assistant help with any of your business needs (= Michael looks like John has you covered but if you think of anything let me know buddy ;) Ian, I'm right there with you on your goals right now I'm not living for myself or for anybody else I'm not even living I'm simply just existing (not good but changing that as we speak)... John is a great example of how you can live your life on your own terms let me know what if anything I can do to help.../ Maria keep up the effort, sound like you have a lot to focus on if you ever want any support I'm happy to help email, fb what ever... Xander not sure if I followed your comment but I'm sure you meant something great... As for me well each day is a new moment and opportunity start new which is what I am doing now. Right now as school ends for the summer I am looking for work and hope to get an internship with Alwyn Cosgrove of Results fitness as well as getting hired as a personal trainer. I also want to establish myself online in the future. I have my own articles dealing with fitness and my own take on things and I believe a somewhat unique point of view but have yet to publish any of it. So my goal in this area is to get organized and learn how to collaborate with people in putting together my ideas that I have into e books for workout programs. Thanks for the invite in Roman, it was kind of chilly out there, much warmer now.

    July 4, 2012 at 2:59 am

  • Christopher Coulson

    Hi...:P. My current goal is to become more overall athletic due to the nature of my job in the military. Luckily, I have the privilege of receiving tailor made workouts from Major Nerd himself. The hardest part about doing these programs while in the military is the nutrition aspect of it. The military isn't exactly up to speed on current nutrition trends(especially the Navy). I find myself having to become very creative with supplements and random foods to fulfil my nutrient needs. If there is anyone else in the military who would like help with this I would be most happy to assist, also any help from all of you is most welcome :). Also for Roman...California > New York.

    July 4, 2012 at 2:37 am

  • Christopher R Coulson

    Hi...:P. My current goal is to become more overall athletic due to the nature of my job in the military. Luckily, I have the privilege of receiving tailor made workouts from Major Nerd himself. The hardest part about doing these programs while in the military is the nutrition aspect of it. The military isn't exactly up to speed on current nutrition trends(especially the Navy). I find myself having to become very creative with supplements and random foods to fulfil my nutrient needs. If there is anyone else in the military who would like help with this I would be most happy to assist, also any help from all of you is most welcome :). Also for Roman...California > New York.

    July 4, 2012 at 2:36 am

  • DanielAipa

    Wow this post got a lot of comments Roman. Currently my goal is to continue on blogging because like you, that is also a passion of mine. I also want to continue on making a positive impact on all of the young athletes I work with as well as everyone who I interact with. I believe that being positive and happy with yourself is contagious and can be viral with the people who are around you. Also, I'm working on being a just an overall healthier person. My weight has fluctuated up and down a lot, and I am finally at a point where I am happy with myself. I feel more energized, and not to sound arrogant, but I look damn good too! I've been reading Maximum Achievement by Brian Tracy and doing each exercise at the end of the chapters, and have been creating my own masterpiece. I've decided that I want to reach my full potential and settle for nothing less. I honestly look up to you (Roman) because you are doing something that you are passionate about and love doing. I can only have nothing but respect for you. Thank you for putting out all of the information and witty thoughts. Mahalo and Aloha, Daniel

    July 4, 2012 at 2:23 am

  • Joseph Ott

    Alright I guess I could start adding some comments on here, haha. Right now, I'm trying to completely redesign my life. I'm working on changing bad habits and also outlooks on time/time management. This includes going to bed before midnight and waking up before 7 every day. My current goal is to go to bed between 10:30 and 11 and wake up at 6:30 every morning. I'm working into this and my eventual goal is to get up at 5 each morning and start training for cool biking trips! Also, I'm working on achieving the best body I've ever had - six pack abs, which I've never even been close to in my life. I just started on FPFL 2.0 this week (I'm really sore today) and I'm using the slow carb diet from the 4-hour Body. I like the slow carb diet because of it's simplicity and the limited choices and easy principles make it easy for me to stick too. Other than that, I'm trying to read more books because I don't do that enough. I haven't set a specific goal for that yet, but I'm working on it.

    July 4, 2012 at 12:56 am

    • Alex Ho

      Joseph, Check out Craig Ballantyne's books on Time Management and Setting Goals: Short reads, but there's no fluff - just gems of knowledge and awesome tips. Great stuff for gettin' your shit together. Good luck!

      July 4, 2012 at 2:37 am

  • Christine Hannon

    Great post, Roman. How do we overcome to 80/20 principle and get everyone to do something? I ask myself that all the time. My goal is to rebrand my website to highlight my process rather than results-only training programs, publish my ebooks, and have the backend of my business ready for my anticipated move to NYC in September. I also am working towards my elite total in powerlifting within the next year.

    July 4, 2012 at 12:11 am

  • Michael Salvietti

    you want a comment? do you?....DO YOU!!!??? fine.......I feel like telling a story. Once upon a time I e-mailed a "guru" and never heard back. The End. Another story. Once upon a time I e-mailed YOU, said I was from Long Island and had a business down here and asked if I could do the most annoying thing ever *pick your brain* You Said yes. Met me at starbucks for an hour. Gave me a few nice nuggets and then we parted ways. A month or so later I was at the book launch party for the book 4-hour body. While I was there I saw you on the balcony in the VIP section. Rather than just wave politely you came down from the cool club and hung out among the very large crowd of sweaty Tim Ferris Fans as well as brought down some other really great friends. Then again you stopped into a fitness seminar at PEAK Performance and just hung out with everyone and even shared some great tips with everyone at lunch, then again the next day at an expert round table. Every time I have an encounter with you whether big or small is memorable, engaging and fun. You are seriously a rare gem in our fitness industry and I appreciate all your doing. I will be more than happy to "join the conversation" my friends. Cheers, Mike

    July 4, 2012 at 12:01 am

  • Ian Mackay

    Hi, I'm Ian, 29, six foot 2 and about 16 and a half stones. I suppose my goal is to start living a fun, healthy and adventourous life. I want to get into shape so I can try MMA or rock climbing or go cliff diving etc. However, I also want to become more in the moment, learn how to stop caring what others think and be a cool guy. I look at John as a role model - he's in shape, funny, cool, does things his own way, has a great website, lives life on his own terms and found who he truly is. I want to stop living for others and become like him. I don't know how much of this I can do on the internet but John's blog is somewhere I feel at home with, like he understands and is always willing to help. I could go on and on but I'll try and avoid sounding stalkerish. Hi to everyone else!

    July 3, 2012 at 11:57 pm

  • Maria

    Hi. I've never posted before but enjoy your work. I'm a 45 yo mom of 4, always trying to get a stronger leaner body but struggle. I've done your fat loss program and enjoyed it. I follow you here on FB- your great!

    July 3, 2012 at 11:47 pm

  • Xander

    I realize now that I've had a false belief of a "couldn't have said it better myself, so I won't say anything". No more Speaking and collaborating leads to a lot more process and insight than simply listening

    July 3, 2012 at 11:46 pm

  • Cold Laser

    Such a great information! just keep on posting for more of your informative post!keep doing in future.

    September 26, 2011 at 11:39 pm

  • Cold Laser

    I like you post very much, Thanks for sharing.keep it up.

    May 30, 2011 at 10:27 am

  • Bogdan

    Hello everyone! My name is Bogdan, I am a fitness enthusiast, trying to gain some serious muscle. I am 5' 6 tall and i currently weigh 135 pounds. I have a lean physique but i am having a hard time gaining weight. I've learned a lot of new and helpful stuff while reading your blog posts and i can say that i am actually packing on muscle.

    May 6, 2011 at 6:10 am

  • DeusExMachina222

    Oh.. wanted to add that I follow other blogs (stronglifts, CB, Joel, Vince, Vic MaGary etc etc) along with combing through google scholar.. but this is one of my favorite sites thus far... humor goes a long way ::thumbs up::

    February 1, 2011 at 10:46 am

  • DeusExMachina222

    Howdy.. my name is Alexander.. and I love ellipses.. I am a self appointed silly bitch and fitness enthusiast.. Yes I was in the class of lurker but I have been frequenting this site so much that I have decided to join the rest of the cool kids in the 99th percentile.. I have always been fit but when life happens (recovering social worker) I packed on 75 pounds of stress and fat.. anywho.. I lost all of it and got down to a lean 170 (5'11 male) this last summer... BUT.. something happened.. I was diagnosed with a very aggressive "final stage" cancer.. sooo... I had a couple major surgeries (updated my will a few times) and one the most aggressive chemotherapy regiments in the US pharmacopea.. so for the last six months or so I have been engaging in an epic fist fight with death! there were times where I was swinging my 75 pound vintage kettlebell, throwing some sledgehammers around and brutal 50 min planks (in prep for a surgery in my abdomen..) and others where I could barely pick up my 45 pound KB.. and the neuropathy was so severe (like dipping my fist in fire) is spend time working on ONE chin up while my joints in my hands screamed.. but I kept plugging away... I aint goin' down that easy!! Soo.. I believe I have put that silliness behind me and awaiting medical clearance to take charge and get my body back online! So I chalange my friends.. if I kept up with my health and fitness in the face of the challenges I had (especially that f#$$% chemo..) any one can do it! Enough of my self.. thought id introduce my self formally and start making some noise over here.. Alexander ps -- I am a self appointed powernerd (if there is anything that i'd stake as my personal claim to fame... its nutrition..) ps pt.2 -- no my name does not mean Deuce sex machine.. I just thought id get a little fancy and smart.. its latin phrase.. a literary criticism actually.. ever watch a movie and just as soon as it gets good a governor, president, god, angel whatever comes in and solves everyones problems in one fell swoop? well thats a deus Ex Machina.. god from the machine (greek days a god was lowered from a machine.. sorry no cool industrial goth meanings here)

    February 1, 2011 at 10:43 am

  • Ted

    I have a suggestion for my last suggestion... if you launch a topic about workout variety, I move that it get renamed into something cool because when I hear "seasons of fitness," the first thing I think is "maxipad." I don't know why. Then, when you figure that is is just another way to say periodization, it's no wonder I feel like a puss when I take a week off.

    January 29, 2011 at 8:00 pm

  • Ted

    3) FPFL didn' make nutrition a dealbreaker. Too many fitness experts say that 80% of your results will be diet and then delineate food programs that take 80% longer to prepare than I just spent in the gym. Wanna know what? I don't need a gourmet taste sensation 5 times a day and in my experience I'll make one of those dinners once before I get tired of the effort. I mean, chicken and broccoli aren't sexy, but I'll eat them until I am green and can cluck if they work and save me time. And if that is what it takes, TELL ME. I'm a big boy. If I have decided to take it to the next level and I have laser focus on this goal and I am psyched to go ape in the gym, do you think I'll be so weak knee'd that I'll bail on a program because the diet isn't filled with 140 options for my culinary delight? Cycling calories? Is it really that complicated? Matt McConaughey got all massed up and stayed lean and the reason he is always running around with no shoes is because he can't tie them. So, I can probably tackel the concepts if they are presented eat, then don't, then do. 4) FPFL is reasonable. Roman said 'do this and get cut up.' I am 42 and exaggerated marketing has really lost it's charm, if it ever had any. Plus I guess I really shouldn't be surprised when a program offers astounding results and then goes on to suggest a time commitment that is on par with a fitness pro who has a supplement sponsorship. Truthfully, if I see 2-a-day, I am outta there. I have a wife, 3 kids, and a job. Know what I get 2-a-day of? Dishes. And toothbrushing. I think any program should have a disclaimer about how much time they expect you should put forth because I want to know what I am getting into so I know if I want to get into it. 5) Following FPFL was like reading a cookbook. Roman said "do x,y,and x, this much, for this long." Body for Life was great this way, also. This lastest disaster has me totally confused. I thought I was buying a workout program, but I find out I have to decide if I want to add fitness model mass, or bodybuilder mass, or hardcore mass, or 500 mass - whatever that is. I have been thru the painful manual and workout sheets (blank...WTF) twice and I feel like a dumbass for not being able to figure this out, but then I have my FPFL sheets which lay things out nice a clearly, as a benchmark, so really I am not a dumbass, I just want some specifics so I don't screw this up. Not to keep ripping on Matt McConaughey, but I read in a Men's Health article where he likes to workout with a rock. A rock. I wondered when the rock ran out of things of talk about. Anyway, that's enough negativity. All this talk about lifting has me fired up to go lift, but I am on a forced hiatus because one of my brood came home with the flu and we are now walking around like a bunch of boogered up zombies. I don't think I could military press a kitten right now.

    January 29, 2011 at 5:43 am

  • Ted

    I posted reasons 3,4, and 5, but I don't see them. If they got moderated, so be it. If they got vaporized and you want me to repost, I'll try to recall what I said. Lemme know.

    January 28, 2011 at 5:47 pm

  • Ted

    Hey one more thing as a suggestion. The reason behind the reason I got so mad about my latest, online, ebook, workout purchase is because I was looking for something new in the first place. Maybe not new, as much as just a changing of the gears for a while. I did FPFL and loved it. Then winter came, and I wanted to keep my brain body engaged, but I didn't really see the point of doing a full on redo. I read a quote by Shaun Phillips that was along the "seasons of fitness" lines and said "don't go for your beachbody when you are wearing a wool sweater." So what I have been doing is the FPFL strength workouts twice a week, with some HIIT. Then, for variety, I upped the reps to 8-10. It is not a new program, but June is a ways off and I don't want to burn out. I think a good topic for this forum would be "tweener" routines that folks can do in between something as demanding as FPFL.

    January 28, 2011 at 5:41 pm

  • Ted

    This is a different Ted. One who plays guitar. I am going to post this here, although it could have gone in the blog about Roman deciding to get back to his roots and train. I have a point to make about that blog and I'll segue into that by stating my goal: "Hi, my name is Ted and my goal is to sift through hurricane of horseshit and infuriating sales tactics that are trying to prevent me from finding a great program that delivers what it promises." Make that "another great program that delivers what it promises." I did FPFL and I am rabidly enthusiastic about it for several reasons, and only one of them is because it worked. I bought it because Roman said it would do x,y,and z, and it did exactly as it promised. I didn't have to buy anything else (I did buy "your" workout as a bonus, but I didn't have to to get the one you just sold me to be effective). I have since purchased another workout to add "up to 21# of muscle in 3 weeks," because I am always looking for a good routine, and was very turned off by the "but wait there's more," pages that kept popping up to keep selling me crap that I either didn't need, or if they were that inportant, should have been included in the original product. Just let me buy the SOB and don't leave me feeling like I just bought a bike with no tires. 2) Roman didn't flood me with "special member access emails," that are just thinly veiled sales pitches for stuff they are selling or their co-marketing buds are selling. I was getting a minimum of 3/day until I unsubscribed. Could you please let me catch my freaking breath or at least try the stuff you just sold me before asking me to buy, buy, buy? Can it all really be that good or that new? I'm so pissed, I don't think I am going to ever buy from those guys again because the overriding message I get is that they want my money more than they want my satisfaction. What did Roman do? He has this site and it has been up to me to access to content and if he makes a rec, I can take it or not. No hot boxing, just credibility. More later. I gotta work.

    January 28, 2011 at 3:34 pm

  • patrizia I'll add my energy by giving you a great song to work out to. :)

    December 12, 2010 at 2:17 pm

  • John Romaniello

    Hey Matt, Welcome aboard, and thanks for the kind words. I dig fasting as well, and have been experimenting with a few different models. if you haven't checked out my feast-->fast blog post, you might enjoy that one. Here's a link: Hope you're enjoying everything else, and if ever there's a subject you'd like me to tackle, let me know!

    October 19, 2010 at 3:54 pm

  • Matt Cameron

    Hey, Matt Cameron here. I found your site from reading Brad Pilon's blog. I am 5'10" and weigh 160 lbs. My fitness goals include but are not limited to losing 20 lbs and getting back to below 10% body fat with a six pack. I enjoy fasting and working out. I like your site.

    October 19, 2010 at 11:18 am

  • Sheryl

    Ok, so I'm going to be the strange one peeking in through the gate. I haven't been lurking because I just found this site a few days ago and have spent ALL day EVERY day reading through the blog posts, even if I don't understand half of what is said. I will try to keep the "wtf is that" comments to a minimum, but no guarantees. I have no background in fitness and have never been in very good shape. I was a skinny fat person I guess you could say. I'm a 33 yr old economy-stricken IT Project Manager who is trying desperately to stay out of a wheelchair. I have several medical problems and have been on pain meds for 8 years or so. And I hate them. (degenerated discs, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, PCOS, insulin resistance AND hypoglycemia (yes, you can have both), kidney stones, yadda yadda yadda - plus I'm allergic to a lot of foods) This will probably sound strange, but my #1 goal is currently (and has been) to grow my hair to knee-length. With all of the other crap my body keeps throwing at me it's sort of my "fuck you" back. Of course, the medical issues and medications are interfering, and while I just hit tailbone-length, it's going to take 10 years to get to knee-length at this rate (it should take maybe 2 1/2 years). Roman darling, you finally have someone who understands about the hair. I used to model - years ago - and I want to do so again, but look even better (probably different type than you, dear Roman). Some of my fans and photographers have contacted me over the last few months/years and requested I begin again, but that's NOT going to happen until I lose about 50 lbs (ok, maybe 30) and get into shape. (One fan told me how I became his unit's good-luck charm in Iraq and that they were planning to paint me on the side of their jet(s), and one of my favorite photographers told me that I set such a high standard 10 years ago when we worked together that he couldn't meet it with anyone since then. awwwww....) --- so YES, Roman, it *is* all about sex. --- I want to be sexy. I want YOU to think I'm sexy. I want... well, we'll talk about that later. ;) Not only do I enjoy table-top RPGs but I also am staff for a LARP (Live Action Role Play) - we actually get dressed up, go out into the woods, and beat each other up. I have an eternal membership to Dragon*Con and David Eddings is probably my favorite author, though Elizabeth Moon tells an excellent story as well. Stephanie Meyer is just... let's not even go there. I picked up FPFL and Overdrive - that's how I came here - and am trying to psych myself into starting. I already know it's going to be brutal, and I'll be lucky to make 10 seconds on the exercises at first, let alone 30. But I'm *going* to do it. Yes. Any day now. Tomorrow. For sure. I do love your blog posts Roman. Your writing style seems so similar to my own (or what I'd like to be maybe) and it's refreshing to see a "real person" writing "real posts" - while still paying attention to spelling and grammar - and not merely politically-correct dribble. So THANK YOU! Wow, this is way longer than I meant to type. I know you guys really wanted to know all this about me! :P

    October 13, 2010 at 7:41 pm

  • Valerie

    Hi John, I first got to know you when I bagged your program for free cuz I knew how to use a semicolon. The program continues to work for me; I still use semicolons; I lurk in your shadow most of the time. My biggest problem remains figuring out an effective diet while not having a fridge. I live on a boat with no onboard refrigeration and can't shop every day. I get very tired of canned fish so any of you cooks out there that would be willing to show me how to have a healthy diet, please get in touch.

    October 3, 2010 at 8:56 pm

  • Joshua

    Not a bad number of posts. My current goal is to try and hit single digit body fat, have quite a ways to go.

    October 2, 2010 at 2:02 pm

  • William

    Ooops...not sure what happened to previous post... Was going to ask: Is a goal of

    September 29, 2010 at 4:14 pm

  • William

    Hey Roman Thanks for blogging: always a good read/laugh! Great to hear from others in the UK. Especially good to read posts from fellow kiwis. I'm 37, approx 75-76kg, c. 175cm. online bf calculator says 22%, calipers 12%; either way, too fat!! Is

    September 29, 2010 at 4:06 pm

  • Shaun

    Currently working on my blog, ending the built for show summer program starting the fall program after. Been doing fast and feast every weekend with Carb cycling I've certainly lost weight but not sure about muscle gain. Also, I did the bodyweight 500 in 15 minutes that was a great feeling. How about everyone else?

    September 29, 2010 at 8:58 am

  • John Romaniello

    Awesome posts, guys, keep'em comin! Regarding "I Want to Look Like That Guy," -- pretty interesting flick. I'd recommend checking it out. How is everyone doing on their goals? If you commented before, now is the time to follow up!

    September 29, 2010 at 8:36 am

  • Caleb

    What Up Roman! Awesome running into you at ASE! Yessir, my goal? To have the awesome'st Health, Wealth, N' Lovin Blog on the internet and build a tight, fun-lovin, action-takin, change-creatin', community of people both with you fit-pro guys and our audiences. Change'n the world baby, one reader at a time, that's what my goal is! Later, Caleb P.S. I'd like a 2x bodyweight bench too please, got a LONG way to go on that one. And I'll take a triple bw squat too (that ones closer!) and I want my triple bw DL to be FOR a triple. Oh and I'mma do it all while keepin the six pack lookin sexy.

    September 28, 2010 at 1:20 pm

  • Julia

    My ultimate goal is to lose these last, stubborn 15+ pounds of body fat. However, in two weeks I am going to Africa to visit my sister who is in the Peace Corpse and I would REALLY like to break the 132 plateau.

    September 24, 2010 at 11:51 am

  • Hadi

    Hey Roman, Dubai's great you should come visit and the article that you showed me looks awesome but I don't think I'm ready to go on a full on cut yet. I would like to achieve the goals of strength I set out but after that I'll use the principles you stated in the article to help with my fat loss. Thanks and I'll keep you posted :)

    September 22, 2010 at 2:18 pm

  • Jan

    Dean Leach - thank you. Glad you found it funny. it's funny because it's true ;)

    September 21, 2010 at 3:47 pm

  • Angel

    Hey Roman, hey everyone, I thought some more about the psychological issues regarding weight problems. And then I remembered a great book by a psychologist, who used to work in a clinic for people with eating disorders. Whoever worked with her, naturally lost their excess weight. So more and more of the patients wanted to work with her. She wrote a book called "Losing your pounds of pain", in which she explains how you can get back into healthy shape by healing emotional problems (ok guys, maybe this info is more for girls ;-) ) and also a book called "the yoyo diet Syndrome". I can highly recommend these books by Dr. Doreen Virtue PH.D. I am sure that there are many people out there who are frustrated about their weight going up and down and who are dealing with terrible life experiences, I hope this can help some. I also want to share my idea about positive influence through listening to uplifting songs. Try listening to I'm feeling good by Michael Bublé, your mood will really get better and I enjoyed doing my PACE Programme by Dr. Sears on Sunday while doing so. I think this conversation gave me the kick to again and stop feeling sorry for myself. Thanks guys! Sorry for all the psycho blabbering, but I can't help it being a psychologist ;-)

    September 21, 2010 at 10:42 am

  • Marko

    Hi , My name is Marko and I just found your site while browsing through tnation articles on training. Im definitely interested in contributing to the blog. I've been training for three years now and plan to start a career as a personal trainer. I live twenty minutes outside of Boston and would love to learn how to properly attract and retain clients as well as start, maintain, and expand a fitness based business. I love to learn and am very willing to take advice and would absolutely love to help anyone I possibly can. I am very excited at my discovery of this website and with it my first real encounter with like minded individuals. Please feel free to email me with any information you think i may find useful or question you think i may be able to help you with. Thank you for creating the opportunity for such an open information market based on real world observation to be created. Hope it grows into something amazing.

    September 21, 2010 at 3:20 am

  • Jessica (Aust)

    Hi All, Oops I’m late in the store for this one! Confession time….I am not awesome. Alas. However I am Australian, which is probably the next best thing Just for all those other shy lurkers out there that feel they might not be able to contribute anything because they not as “full on” into this whole fitness, body building malarkey as others; I first stopped by Roman’s blog just simply because I am passionate about my own good health and equally passionate in my dislike of the Twilight book series! There are, given the old adage “you can’t please everyone all the time”, naturally a number of posts that I don’t necessarily relate to here. I have long term health and wellbeing goals rather than specific muscle gain, weight lifting or body fat percentage goals. My contract with myself is to remain well, active and injury free well into my 80s. I just want to have the physical capacity and energy to do all those activities that I love (cycling, surfing, swimming, yoga, occasional sea kayaking or skiing trips etc) throughout my lifetime. I want to wear clothes that I love and carry them off with panache. I want to eat great food (with gusto!) that’s good for me (and a little with equal gusto that’s not so good for me). I also want to keep my mind challenged and constantly learning and my soul laughing about many things including fitness and health. And so while a mutual contempt for anything written by Stephanie Meyer made walk in the door, I return regularly as to his credit Roman has created (almost) a one-stop information blog shop – and where there are things he can’t stock himself he knows the suppliers to send you to (carrying the metaphor too far perhaps?). So by joining in some discussions, I learn heaps which helps me take better care of myself, I’m challenged by information and viewpoints I don’t always agree with and I have a laugh along the way.

    September 21, 2010 at 12:40 am

  • wendy

    Hey Dean Leach- yes I finished FPFL (6 weeks) then went right into overdrive (2 weeks) great fun. I took a rest and now am back but want more. Yes I agree with you that Roman needs to come up with a few more weeks incorporating some different moves and routines. Thanks for asking

    September 20, 2010 at 1:38 pm

  • Eric Buratty

    Great idea for a blog post, bru. My goal: to be as funny as you :) In terms of fitness, my short-term goal (over the next couple months) is to get down to 7% bodyfat. I'm currently around 9.5-9.8%. In order of when I'd like to achieve these goals, here are the rest: -Compete in a bodybuilding show (over the next year or two). -Become more explosive/stronger, so I can compete in an Olympic lifting competition (over the next three to four years). I'm still young, so I believe these goals are very realistic. Thanks for posting this! Best of luck to everyone else on reaching their goals! -Eric -

    September 20, 2010 at 12:15 pm

  • Dean Leach

    Jan, your a cool & funny guy. Laughing my head off at your pussy magnet physique comment.

    September 20, 2010 at 8:32 am

  • Timo

    I'm Timo from Finland. I'm 5'10(175cm) and weight 72 kg, with 11% body fat. My goal is to weight 82 kg with 8 % bodyfat. My deadlift I want to be 200 kg, bench 150kg and squat 180kg. Also I want to help other people as soon as I get there, to become a contributor.

    September 20, 2010 at 7:43 am

  • Jan

    Hi John and everyone else. My name is Jan, I'm form Poznan,Poland. I'm 174cm tall(5'8), weighting 75kg (165lbs), and I have more than 1.5BW squat, almost 1.5BW bench and I deadlift all weights I have - 300 lbs. I've beedn training constantly for almost 2 yeas, since I've built my home gym, which I'm proud to say I start to outgrow. My goals are both strength and physique related, I want big deadlift, squat, bench and press, and sixpack, big shoulders and traps and overall badassness. My problem is training ADD :( but I start to deal with it. Thanks for many inspiring and helpful articles and posts, John. Your training advice is awesome, especially about training for "pussy-magnet physique". Cheers to you!

    September 20, 2010 at 7:32 am

  • Ted

    I hadn't looked into topical fat burners - hadn't even heard of them, in fact. I did look around after you mentioned them though...seems like a lot of conflicting information. I'd love to hear your take on it.

    September 20, 2010 at 12:11 am

  • Ty

    I'm Ty As for now, my main goal is to finish shcool. I'm not a great student, but I've used my small successes in fitness to prove to myself that possible is really only what you make it, and this notion helps me to better in other areas of my life. I hope to use any and all of my talents to show others just what is possible, and hopefully shatter the mentality that something can be impossible. P.S.- Keep it up Roman! I always enjoy your thoughts.

    September 19, 2010 at 7:10 pm

  • Dean Leach

    Wendy, have you tried in FPFL, the Overide section. It's 2 weeks & looks really good. I'll be at in a couple of weeks. And yes, some more of the fat loss e-books & other ones geard toward adding muscle along with some specialized routines would be great. What's the plan for the near future, Roman? MORE.

    September 19, 2010 at 6:50 pm

  • wendy

    My name is Wendy- 48 yrs old and my goal is to be in the best shape of my life at 50. Then STAY that way until I hit about 100. I am on my 2nd round of FPFL. I fell in love with that workout after lifting weights traditionally for 32 years. I took a break to try Dr. K's stuff (can I say that here?) and love his stuff but miss the good old fashioned weights! So here I am in week 2 second round of FPFL. Once again. Roman- can you PLEASE come up with another few weeks workout with some different exercises and combo's? I love your stuff but want more! I have one more inch of a muffin top to get rid of and I will be at my goal. Thanks!

    September 19, 2010 at 6:42 pm

  • Michael

    Hi Roman & Community, I recently watched a very eye opening dvd called "I want to look like that Guy" for people who haven't seen it it's about a 40 something journalist called Stuart MacDonald who was about 30-40lbs overweight and sets himself the target of looking like a fitness magazine cover model within six months. The dvd covers the process that he went through to achieve his goal. What I found enlightening about this film was the honesty with which it treated the subject of getting "ripped" , he went through hell. I think that all too often what fitness professionals neglect to mention whilst they are selling you their fitness programmes that promise that you will shed a shitload of weight and have the physique of a Greek God is that the quest for the killer physique is not easy, in fact it is bloody hard, that the constant calorie, watching, training, and limited diet can take a physical and mental toll. What also came out of the film was that the fitness models that adorn magazines and fitness websites do not and cannot walk around shredded for any length of time, as single digit bodyfat is not all that healthy, and that the buffed physiques are only needed for a particular photoshoot or show and that off season when the dieting and training is reigned in these guys/gals pack on the weight and lose alot of size and definition. The film ended on a note thats worth considering, the journalist succeeded in his quest got totally ripped and finished third in a bodybuilding competition he posed the question was it worth all that he had endured in the race for the body beautiful? For people who have not watched the film I strongly recommend that you do and make up your own minds. The film can be accessed through YouTube. regards Michael

    September 19, 2010 at 2:36 pm

  • Rolando

    Hey, my name is Rolando. My main goals are getting healthier and fitter, which to me means getting lean and stronger while maintaining a good nutrition.

    September 19, 2010 at 1:33 pm

  • John Romaniello

    @Daniel - thanks for the compliment man. Good luck with NNMB; let me know if I can help at all! @Patricia - You know, you make a good point. When it comes to hormones, women definitely have a bit of a rougher road than men; I think it's probably a great idea to get someone to address a lot of what goes on both during menstruation, and also as women approach menopause. I think Dr. Bryan Walsh would be a great candidate--he's knows all of that stuff. Regarding the rest of your post, I will help you lose the next 4 kilos however I can. What program are you on? @Anders - Congrats on getting started, and thanks for the compliment! Let me know if I can help with anything at all! @Tracy - what was the original knee injury? Happy to hear that you're able to run circles around the young guns! @Sue - I appreciate the kind words; thanks so much for posting and welcome to the fold! @Shaun - gaining 40 pounds is a tall order, but you can definitely do it...I did! Regarding schooling for fitness, there are WAY too many approaches to list in a comment; that can be a post unto itself. I wil write it for sure. I think a round-table with a number of bloggers would be a good idea. (Side note - thank you so much for commenting...if you hadn't, I wouldn't have the idea. SEE!? It's woooooorking!) @Angel & Patricia - I LOVE the interaction. Keep it going, ladies, this is EXACTLY what we need! @Dave - I know it's weird to think of yourself as a lurker. I happen to read a number of blogs, and I'm REALLY trying to comment more. Regarding being Vegan - check this! Berardi has done a vegan experiment. @JulianP - Glad you're enjoying FPFL - thanks for posting =)

    September 19, 2010 at 1:01 pm

  • Brandon

    Hi Roman, My name is Brandon. I'm from Canada. I'm 5'4". I weigh 160lbs. i'm on my 5th week of P90X. My goals are to have less than 10% bf and get finally get my 6-pack abs. I've gone from 25% bf to 17% since I started being serious about my health. Other than you, I follow Joel, Vince, DR. K and a few others but I enjoy your blog the most. I like your "tell it like it is" approach and humor. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us, keep it coming!!!

    September 18, 2010 at 9:39 pm

  • Mond

    Weird, My first post didnt come through. Well, my name is Mond and my ego is almost as big as Roman's :p Just kidding. I'm a sophomore at McGill studying economics. On the side, I read a lot into nutrition and fitness. In fact, I hold a PN level 1 certificate, Cornell Plant Based Nutrition Certificate (total waste of money) and a NSCA cpt. My current goal is to get between 4-8% and deadlift 415, bench 250, squat 334. Of course, looking good nekkid would be cool too.

    September 18, 2010 at 5:34 pm

  • Russ

    Great stuff, I need more words in my bloging. so thats my goal to blog like you. Oh and be a healthy centurion

    September 18, 2010 at 4:13 pm

  • Andrew Araza

    Thank you Roman, for a killer post that fired all of us up. Hello, my name is Andrew Araza, I'm 6'3 and 182, I've always been a thin guy, and my goal is to be a lean, mean, dangerous looking 195. I'm a health and body transformation coach and my goal is to build a health and fitness empire through education (health and wellness), inspiration, accountability, and community building I can be helped with inspirational posts just like this, reminding me about the critical importance of community in not only achieving goals, but more importantly sustaining them. Thanks Roman and community, you're all awesome. Keep getting better. Araza

    September 18, 2010 at 2:29 pm

  • mike

    Roman & friends Thank you so much for all you do. You've truly helped me to achieve my goals. I'm currently 6'3" 182 lbs @ about 9% BF. My current goal is to reach 215 without putting on too much fat. We can get us there by continuing to post good, relevant information and continuing this conversation as a community. :D Thanks!!!

    September 18, 2010 at 1:58 pm

  • Julie

    Hi again Roman. It's me Julie again. I'm also a couple of months shy of my 40th birthday and am afraid I'm running out of time for a "hottie" body. Thanks.

    September 18, 2010 at 1:34 pm

  • Julie

    Hi Roman. My name is Julie, and yes, I'm a lurker. Thank you for all of your advice. My biggest issue is stick-to-itiveness. Hey, you make up your own words, so can I. I want to get back down in body fat (15% or less). About 5 years ago, my personal life was falling apart and I turned to more fitness (5x a week vs 3 and began karate classes) to get me through things. I got down to 18% and looking good, working down further. Then I got married, had some health issues and things started sliding. Quit karate and reverted to the old 3x a week gym visit, if that. Now I'm back up around 26% bodyfat. People say I look good, but I KNOW what I did look like and I want that and MORE back. My problem, I am a very chronic mood eater and right now I'm going through some heavy emotional garbage. I know better, but I don't always listen to myself. So I guess I need a really big support network. Thanks for being there and allowing me to vent.

    September 18, 2010 at 1:31 pm

  • Michael

    Hello Roman, I am a "cousin" from across the pond here in the UK, to my knowledge I have never been a lurker which I would equate to a gentleman of a certain vintage and whose apparel would consist of a raincoat of the dirty variety with a penchant for exposing bits of his anatomy to unsuspecting members of the travelling public, but I digress. I would best describe myself as 40yrs plus-plus and the wrong side of cuddly. My fitness aims are to lose around 50-60lbs of blubber and develop a ripped physique, if these are realistic goals where to start? and what is a realistic time frame to be working to? Any advice would be much appreciated. regards Michael ps no one is disputing your ownership of this vehicle of communication so do not f*%$ing swear :-)

    September 18, 2010 at 12:21 pm

  • Dean Leach

    I truly enjoy this blog & all of it's info it has to offer. Roman is my Larry Scott/Steve Reeves hero of today. I just finished 4 weeks of FPFL and have taken this last week off due to the program kicking my ass. LOVE IT. Next is 4 weeks of Dud to Stud, then I'll continue the other 2 weeks of FPFL, then 2 weeks of the Override section of that program. Before I bought FPFL I wasn't sure if I should get it or Joel's CYWT program, emailed Roman & he said he'd send me Joels if I got his. You never did Roman but it's okay because I think your a super cool dude, AND, your girlfriend is really HOT. I get to see your guys pics of Facebook. And I'm a lil' lost about the cheat/fast, taking aminos, fish oil on the fast day. But it's ok, I get the jist of it & I know cool guy Roman is one hell of a busy guy. With a GF like that I'd be too. My goal is to kick ass the next 10 weeks and get to 6% bodyfat & stay at my current bodywt. of 180. Roman, you & this blog/site RULE. Wish it was updated even more often than it is. Thanks for everything you do, you make my living on earth that much more enjoyable.

    September 18, 2010 at 8:22 am

  • Zac

    Hi, my name is Zac, long time reader, first time poster. I'm 21 years old, ex fatty (used to be 90 kilos, now about 70) and living in New Zealand at the bottom of the world. My goal, now that I've lost weight, is to pack as much muscle on as possible so I can finally feel good about my physical appearance, so cheers for your continued help, the blog rocks! -Zac

    September 18, 2010 at 1:21 am

  • John Romaniello

    Here's a quick note about networking: One of the great things about the internet is how quickly they allow us to make, build, and maintain connections with people. If you look at some of the fitness pros who have commented on this thread, some of them I have never met in person, but have immense respect for. Others I have met and I am honored to have done so. The value of being part of the global/online fitness community (be it as a member of this website or any other) means that you have access to SO many people who want to help. Just on THIS thread alone... Mike Arone - ( - intelligent and funny, with a wacky Boston accent to boot. Gives out great info with a lot of humor. Jamin Thomson - fitness model and trainer with better abs than mine. I creep his facebook, and it turns out most of his female friends are hot. We should hang out, bro. Adam Steer - ( Adam is one of the nicest guys I've met, who happens to know more about training than bodyweight only stuff. He's a great resource and has a lot of really creative stuff. Dave Ruel - ( - awesome cook, awesome accent. Dave is a good resource for all things nutrition, and as a bodybuilder who still competes, knows his stuff about training. Awesome. Don't forget Rickey Taylor, Pete Genot and a bunch of guys who haven't commented yet. With guys like these frequenting my blog, I KNOW that the more often you comment, the more help you'll get from a number of sources.

    September 18, 2010 at 12:06 am

  • Justin

    My current goal is to reach 9% body fat by basketball season (Late Nov./Early Dec.) I have been following the EODD for around 2 weeks now on the phase 2 lifestyle plan and have still maintained the same % as far as I know (around 15% somewhere I think. I'm somewhat worried that i'm not gettin enough calories to grow at my age (16) and for being in the middle of soccer season. But I'm in my calorie deficit on top of soccer games and practices and on top of the occasional lifting that i can get in because of the business of school. What should I do to start losing fat?! I'm doing everything right but it seems like my teenage body is in a complete state of homeostasis. To make things worse it seems like i'm losing muscle mass (although this may be just in my head).

    September 17, 2010 at 10:22 pm

  • Cory

    Hey whats good Roman. I've only been following your blog for a few months. But I've been into body building for about three years now. Prior to getting FPFL, and Joel Marion's XFLD program I was basically doing the same body split routine since I started. Needless to say I eventually hit a plateau. At that point I stopped being lazy and did some searching. Which I'm happy to say led me here, and to a couple other cool sites. On a completely unrelated note. I grew up in NY, went to College in LI, and go into the city damn near every weekend.

    September 17, 2010 at 10:02 pm

  • Pete - The Dirty Dozen Abs Workout Program

    Hey Roman, I don't care what Coach Adam will ALWAYS be funny, even when you're trying to be a little serious too! I love you man! But not like Joel Marion love! name is Pete and I am a "health advocate"...which simply means I strive to promote better health and wellness through a balance of healthy nutrition, proper exercise and personal growth. My personal goals are to maintain my six-pack abs till the day I die, get a black belt in karate, be a good husband to my wife and a good father to my 5 kids...and a lot of other stuff too. ;-) I am an avid reader of your blog and articles, and a user of your Final Phase Fat Loss Program. Your stuff ROCKS, and you are one of my favorite fitness dudes ever!!! Take care brother, and I'm already looking forward to your next post! ~ Pete

    September 17, 2010 at 6:50 pm

  • Randy

    I like being a lurker... I think I'll continue to be one, so bite me!! HAHAHAHA!! Just kidding! Goal to build muscle and burn fat. I'll be 50 in a couple months. 5'7" and 150 lbs. Spare tire and love handles, you know, the usual for an old fart. Been training pretty steady for 5 years. Rock steady for 13 months. Own FPFL, but haven't used it. Use mostly CB's TT workouts. Love your humor, I invented "smart ass"! Thanks for all you do!

    September 17, 2010 at 6:45 pm

  • Fionn MacPartlin

    My names Fionn, I'm from Ireland, starting a Masters in Wales next week. My goal is to not get into too much debt, got my loan out today, depressing. Add 6kg. Bench 315, squat 405, deadlift 500. But that could take a while, just starting 5/3/1. I want to get as much strength & conditioning experience as possible while studying so I might be a decent coach at the end of it! Great blog post Roman. keep it up!

    September 17, 2010 at 6:21 pm

  • Dave Ruel

    My name is Dave Ruel (aka The Muscle Cook). I love to cook (no shit...), to eat and McGyver... I have a strong french accent and suck at writing...that's why i wrote a cookbook :)

    September 17, 2010 at 6:15 pm

  • Kirt

    My name's Kirt, I'm a personal trainer in Huddersfield, England. I've been following your blog and bought FPFL. My goals are to be a home owner, financial freedom, and own my own PT Studio. I am also competing in a natural bodybuilding event next year to prove to myself and others that ectomorphic genes can be overcome. I believe in leading by example. The help I would like is being more productive with my time. Kirt

    September 17, 2010 at 5:16 pm

  • Patrick Griffin

    I'm Patrick, 27, live in MA. Jets suck. I was training hard at 5'11", 190 lbs, down from 231 a couple of years ago. Had my squat to 285, bench at 250, dead lift at 330 before herniating a disc in my back in January. After recovering I've focused on fat loss and body weight, now at a lean 165 and probably staying there for the time being. I quit my gym and train at my house. I eat protein, fat, fruit, vegetables, very little carbs other than workout time. My goals are to stay as lean as possible and train hard as my life keeps getting busier with growing responsibilities. That's about it. Along with Nate Green's this is one of my favorite blogs. And if I didn't already say it, Jets suck.

    September 17, 2010 at 4:44 pm

  • Lawrence Schemelia

    Hello, John! I'm as culpable as anyone of being a lurker, but I have genuinely appreciated and enjoyed reading your insights (along with those of your contemporaries Joel Marion, Vince DelMonte, etc.) I've been lifting weights for over 20 years, but for the vast majority of that time, I was also a competitive distance runner. Suffice it to say, I was reasonably buff as emaciated skeletons go. :)...Within the past few years (I'm 37, 5'11/180 lbs), vanity has superseded my competitive side. I've strived to achieve a more muscular physique, fully accepting that fast 5km times would be more difficult to come by. Thanks in large part to the information you've shared, I feel I'm better equipped to make the transition from scrawny runner that lifts to a halfway decent lifter that also enjoys utilizing his Type I fibers. Thanks again, John!

    September 17, 2010 at 4:09 pm

  • Sameer

    Hello Sameer Whats up J0hn. My goals are basically become fit and grow confidence. One reason i want to be fit is that when i grow up get married and have kids i want them to look up to me. I also want to be a doctor that does surgeries and can help patients with working out, protein, and everything muscle related.

    September 17, 2010 at 4:07 pm

  • Angela

    Hi John, yes, I'm a lurker too. :) My goals - well, I'd like to lose the weight I've gained over the past 7-8 months of emotional eating. However, my hormones are so out of whack (7 pregnancies in 9 years will do that to a woman!) I just want to feel NORMAL again!!! I exercise regularly at home with RT supersets and circuit, intervals, and not too much cardio usually because time does not allow, although I love a good bike ride or walk in summer. Angel - yes, I too have gained weight recently (after successfully removing 30 lbs of fat with ease!!!) and most people either don't comment or tell me I still look fit and healthy even though I'm up at least one size and have the awful belly again. Back fat, blech!

    September 17, 2010 at 2:08 pm

  • Dan

    Hey Roman, I comment on your Facebook posts occasionally, but I am an admitted lurker here. I turn 21 in December, and currently weigh 215 lbs at 6' 2" down from 245 at the end of July after eating far too much in Cancun. I've always had a muscular build due to football and wrestling in high school and labor-intensive jobs such as construction and being an automotive technician. However, since high school I ballooned up to 265, got down to 205, recently back up to 245 and now I'm 215 working my way down to my goal of 195 by Dec 1st and my long term goal of single-digit bodyfat. Additionally, I want to increase my bench from 315 to 375. Thanks, Roman!

    September 17, 2010 at 1:11 pm

  • John Romaniello

    All right, now we're talking! @ Barry - Grow up to be just like me? God help us all. Congrats on getting into the lifestyle, and thanks for commenting. I'll be doing a lot more muscle building stuff in the future, so I think you'll get a lot out of that. @Ted - Awesome. You comment all the time, and you still came out to share all that. Thank you. If you move to the West Coast, I'll be sure to visit; I happen to be in love with San Diego and go out every chance I get. Regarding your stomach flab--it takes a bit of time, obviously. Have you looked into any of the topical fat burners? Marc McDougal has some interesting stuff to say. I'll see if I can dig some up. @ Jonathan - hunting protein shakes sounds awesome =) Actually, Capetown is #1 on my list of 5 places to visit before I die. I'm looking forward to seeing it, and Lion's Head is calling my name! Now that you're back on track, hopefully my programs will get you where you want to be. Let me know how I can help, and keep following please! @ John - That's an awesome story. I know SO MANY fitness pro's who fell into the business because getting in shape changed their lives. I'm excited to meet another one. Thanks for sharing! @Clement - one of my most frequent commentors! What's up, man? Now that you've settled on Cressey's program, I'm sure you'll be a lot closer to your goal. Thanks for always being part of the community! @Edwin - good strength goals! How close are you to hitting them? My highest deadlift was 660 at a bodyweight of 190ish...almost killed me. 2.5x bw is legit, I'm lookin forward to seeing the video! @Per - With me from the beginning! Happy to hear from you, my friend. TACFIT author Adam Steer has posted on this thread, so if you have any questions, post them. See what I mean about community? @Ylwa - you have breasts and an accent. You're already hotter than me. @Hadi - Dubai, eh? ANOTHER place on my top 5 list! Glad I'm meeting people from so many awesome places. In terms of conditioning--check out my "5 principles of radical fat loss" article on TNation. @Angel - Hi to you all the way in Germany =) Thank you for sharing your struggles. A lot of times, as fitness pros we overlook the fact that it takes A LOT of time and focus to get fit, an sometimes life just gets in the way. I'm looking forward to helping you however I can. Regarding veganism and being veggie, Craig Ballantyne and John Berardi both did a vegan experiment--I'm planning on doing the same at some point, so stay tuned. I'll do a blog post on Veggie-hood, though. Thanks for commenting! @Julian - how coincidental, eh? It's funny how networking and "who you know" --and who knows YOU--can be an integral part of your success, be it in business or in fitness. I hope that being part of this community (who ARE interested in what you have to say) will truly help you develop the confidence you need to network more aggressively in your business. @Nathan -- sounds like an awesome journey. No point spending your time developing a great body if you can't get drunk and see other bodies once or twice in your life. Welcome back to the fold! Regarding golf -- I'll actually be in Mexico with "" phenom Susan Hill, so perhaps I'll pick up some tips! @Mazikeen - between KB's and the MMA training, sounds like a brutal regimen. It's hard to keep the cravings at bay, but being part of a community like this (which increases ACCOUNTABILITY) is really going to help you. Moreover, shoot me an email and I'll send you some stuff for dieting tips. @Martin - Hello and welcome! P90X is legiiiittt. Good stuff. Losing that last bit of flab is just gonna take some time; your body is rebelling. HOWEVER, lactic acid training will help increase production of Growth Hormone, which helps with belly fat. Look into that!

    September 17, 2010 at 12:52 pm

  • Cory Sterin

    Hello! This is my first blog on your site as i have just been a lurker of your emails. Community is more important than anyone can realize. I believe in myself, but when someone else believes in you, your drive more than doubles. I have been training for about 3 years now and worked as a personal trainer this past summer. I am a bodybuilder. I tell myself that everyday to reassure my goals and lifestyle. I love the lifestyle, as it has helped shaped my life in various aspects. I have had mixed goals over the years, but currently I am training to regain my mass and surpass my last lean mass growth surge to really have a body to show off when I shred down again! Believe in yourself, or no one else will. But when others believe in you, there's no stopping what you can accomplish and achieve greatness!

    September 17, 2010 at 12:50 pm

  • Alex

    Hi, My name is Alex. I am a college student in my third year, when i was in high-school i was super overweight and out of any kind of athletic shape. I began training and trying to lose weight and have been mostly successful. I recently herniated two disks in my back and am just now beginning to lift weights again. My current goals are to increase strength (specifically i am aiming to break 1000 total by the end of the school year) and slowly decrease body fat while increasing muscle. I know these are big long term goals but i am trying to frame them in a long term way and then use specific tools to achieve short term goals. I love everything to do with strength/nutrition/muscle building and really enjoy the website John. Thanks for everything you put out there. Alex

    September 17, 2010 at 12:02 pm

  • David

    Hi, David here, my goal is to become more defined, leaner and build more muscle. Cheers...

    September 17, 2010 at 11:01 am

  • Adam

    Hey man, Couldn't stand the thought of you not being funny anymore! :) Can't wait for Mexico next week. See you soon. Cheers, Adam

    September 17, 2010 at 10:45 am

  • kyle

    hey john, kyle here im from saskatoon canada. I am currently following delmontes MYM, but have previously done your PFFL program. When i started i have managed to loose 5% body fat, while gaining 15 pounds of wieght over teh past couple years. i am now Aiming for single digit body fat and to wheigh in around 190 - 200. I started my journey at 190 cut to 180 using your program. and now weigh in at 195 using vinces program. MYM has a great community as well on the forum, and i know i owe a lot of success to that great community.

    September 17, 2010 at 10:41 am

  • JZB more thing. GO GIANTS.

    September 17, 2010 at 10:36 am

  • JZB

    Hi - I'm Jane. Here's my story: I've always been athletic - played real volleyball (indoor & outdoor) for over 20 years. Got married and the urge to work-out waned. Continued going to the gym - but didn't get any results. Decided one day that I needed to lose the weight I had gained - actually joined the Jenny Craig program. Still went to the gym - and then all of a sudden everything clicked. I began working out with a trainer - and after 9 months I lost 50 pounds and was fluctuating between 18 - 20% body fat. This was 5 years ago....and I've kept the weight off ever since. And it's reassuring that a number of younger guys / gals I know are amazed at the transformation and the fact I do NOT look my age. Plus my golf game has improved immensely. Started reading your stuff a few months ago - you make me laugh but also give me some new things to think about and try out. I do feel that I need to change it up every once in a while - I've been doing pilates with the reformer for the past 9 months and have noticed a huge change in how my body'll realize this when you get older. So keep up the blogs and the informative hilarious videos....and the book reviews. And I feel the same way about exclamation points that you do...!!!!!!!!

    September 17, 2010 at 9:57 am

  • John

    Another lurker here John! Been training for some years for myself after years of coaching field hockey, athletics and badminton. Now a retired educator, PT and Fitness Therapist. Aiming to get the body fat down to near single figures and lose another inch off the waistline! Always enjoy the blog - the wry comments and videos from time to time. Intend this is not the only time I respond ...promise! Keep 'em coming. All the best. John

    September 17, 2010 at 9:36 am

  • Rickey Taylor

    My name is Rickey. My goal is to make $350k from by serving the fitness market. By learning from someone as knowledgeable like Roman, being the best "body consultant" that I can be will be a breeze. I like reading, fitness, Mel B., the Patriots, and truth. Oh yea, I would like to bench for 375.

    September 17, 2010 at 9:15 am

  • Fred

    Hey I'm Fred, (or the almighty Fredathor... if by "almighty" you mean quite silly) I'll def become a more heavy contributor as from now. Just restarting a body recomposition phase courtesy of our good friend John Romaniello. I'll keep you posted on the results, and I'm with Roman on the fact that I'm not in this for mediocricy or averageness. Let's make this all about inspiring each other to reach beyond our wildest expectations.

    September 17, 2010 at 9:12 am

  • Rolonde

    Rolonde in uk, im in a constant refining process of my training nutrition etc... persistant lurker as well, its good for me to have info constantly comin in via blogs emails as one day i think 'ive no desire to apply that' whereas the week after its like a spiritual awakening to read same titbit of knowledge, either way thanks n guess im less of a lurker now woop woop!

    September 17, 2010 at 8:46 am

  • Jenifer

    Hello! I'm Jenifer I've been a fan of health & fitness since I was 13. My family didn't know much about nutrition or exercise, and I was fed up with being the chubby, slow kid and taught myself about how to take care of my body through online bloggers and fitness websites, so i'm thankful for yours among others, you help so many people more than you know. Just a little bit of good information goes a long way and I know this because I've been reading this information for 10 years now and learn something new everyday, I know it works personally because I am 5'9" and have never weighed over 130lbs (except my 2 pregnancies which I dropped the baby weight fast from using the information i'd learned from health and fitness trainers online) I love training, and I love the way eating truly healthy food makes you look and feel. So thank you for who you are and what you do. It's truly important. -peace

    September 17, 2010 at 8:44 am

  • Mike Arone

    My name is Mike Arone. If you say my name too fast it sounds like 'macroni'. I have an addiction to fitness and nutrition. I also enjoy comedy. I've always felt that there needs to be a certain element of funny in your fitness. I am foul mouthed Bostonian that will bust balls every chance I get. I now live in the NY where ball busting was invented and am glad to be amongst others like myself...minus the Yankee hats. Three things I enjoy...the gym, protein shakes and grape Popsicles

    September 17, 2010 at 8:40 am

  • Chris

    earlier in the year i thought a bulk type of diet was a going too help me, but now im just struggling to get back to 5% bf, which is what i was this time last year. just gotta focus on the diet more and stick with it.

    September 17, 2010 at 7:48 am

  • Greg

    Great post John. Since I started the fitness competition in July lost ten lbs but hit a wall. It was through the community of positive people around me that got me back on track and motivated me to push through that obstacle. Lost 3lbs in four days because the diet is back and hitting up boxing today. But it's people like you and being surrounded by a good community that helps one achieve their goals because ultimately no man is an island. And that love is what fuels me. Next stop-television this fall. So when we working out playa?

    September 17, 2010 at 7:10 am

  • Doug Wilson

    Hi Roman. Doug here. I am one of Vince D's neighbours, sort of, and have been reading and enjoying your posts and videos a lot. I am closing in on 59 and after many years of training, this year has been the best for me in reaching goals. For the first time in a decade, I have finally dropped 30 pounds to my goal weight. Thanks for being a great motivator and 'awesome' inspiration. I want to look just like you when I grow up. :)

    September 17, 2010 at 7:08 am

  • JulianP

    Roman, Good points you raised. This is my first post. I am a fan of your FPFL program which I have done twice. Tough as hell but enjoying it. Keep up the good work.

    September 17, 2010 at 6:38 am

  • Dave

    Hey John, ya know - you're absolutely right. Chilled me a bit to think of myself as a lurker, sad but true. I'm a vegan (be nice), that started with a goal to demonstrate that mass could be developed on a plant based diet. I've stayed here because I dig what you have to say, and have fun adapting what I take in.

    September 17, 2010 at 6:04 am

  • Angel

    Hey all, especially Patricia! :-) it was really time someone spoke about this issue (menstruation and exercise), so thank you Patricia! I have similar experiences, especially the growing in sizes and gaining weight ( once a month I panic, cause I automatically gain at least 2 pounds and already a week before get these terrible cravings for sugary fatty foods). Being a psychologist I know about these phenomena (hormonal imbalances, psychological issues and stress)and am very happy when trainers also educate about that. I really like the hypnosis stuff that is available for weight loss and can highly recommend them. But the thing is: no One can force you to listen to the sessions. Motivation and constant repetition is the key here. So I am glad when I get reminded of simple things such as drinking water ( just read one of Mike Geary's recent emails). In times of stress (like right now where I already gave up my appartment and am staying in a tiny room at a friends' house practically living out of the suitcase) I tend to forget these simple things. I weigh 15 Kilos more than 6 years ago, but just recently gained 8 of those kilos within the last 6 months. What annoys me the most is all the people who keep telling me that you can hardly tell (I must admit I'm quite tall so the fat is evenly spread;-) ) that I've gained weight and who are trying to tell me I have a distorted body perception. Anyone also experienced this? Regards, Angel

    September 17, 2010 at 5:50 am

  • Shaun

    Hello Roman, I'm Shaun have been lifting weights for about 2 years. I have lost a total of 100 pounds. I'm currently 5'7 158 8 percent bodyfat. My current goal is to get up to about 180-190 but keeping my bodyfat down. My current goal is getting this whole carb cycling down with the feast/fast concept. I love the blog and think you do awesome work. So keep it up. Triple P.S. I'm looking to go to school and create a lifestyle much like you and the other fitness bloggers. Any tips and guidance on that as well? Thanks again Roman, Let go crush a vermonster.

    September 17, 2010 at 5:48 am

  • Sue

    Guilty as charged, I'm a chronic lurker. I really like your site and reference your YouTube videos often for exercise instructions. I know you'll show the right way to perform an exercise and reduce the risk of injury. Thanks for your generosity and humor.

    September 17, 2010 at 5:32 am

  • Tracy

    IK, OK... I'll stop lurking. GUILTY! Hey everyone! I'm Tracy. I'm 45 years old. Most of my work outs are geared toward trying to keep my bad knees together. I don't want to have surgery. I have been performing mostly bodyweight exercises over the past year and I can see a ton of difference in how they feel. My goals are to be the best that I can be at any age. I am dedicated to health, fitness, wellness, and anti-aging (at any age) Age is just a number! I am very against the modern medicine and the drug industry. I do my best to teach my friends and family how to use food and healthy alternatives to drugs. Why would the health care industry want to heal you? That would be bad business on their part! I am proud to say that I am 20+ years older than most of the guys I work with and I can easily keep up with or out do them every weekend!

    September 17, 2010 at 5:02 am

  • Anders

    My name is Anders and I've been starting to work out in a gym for about a year now... Yes starting, cause I'm not getting it a routine just yet, I have to put children, school, work and wife ahead of my own training... So obviusly my goal is to go to the gym more times a week than I'm doing right now. I've really wanna thank you for an awesome blog and a lot of great workout tips that most of the time gets me frustrated cause I know I won't be abel to get to the gym fast enough!

    September 17, 2010 at 4:58 am

  • Patricia

    Hi all I'm from Switzerland and I have always been passionate about sports (both active and passive) and a healthy lifestyle. I could not imagine life without sports – and film.;-) Similar to Angel, however, I have always struggled with weight gain when under stress (one year of finals; bad relationship, etc.). And the most horrible time – both emotionally as well as physically – was when my mom (who was also my best friend) passed away way too soon and way too quickly. Although continuing to work out and eat healthily, I could hear and see my fat cells grow. In the end, I gained 10 kilos and felt like the ugliest living being. It was not me. I could work out on the stepper for 1.5 hours or swim 3km and still not feel my body work. My metabolism was deadlocked. I think we all know by now that “if you take in more than burn, you’ll gain weight and vice versa” sounds mathematically reasonable, but that’s all it is. The body is so much more complex and particularly in times of crisis – be it physical but especially psychological -- it wants to protect us at all cost. I have lost 8 of those 10 kg by now. Took me 5 years and tons of research and newly tried strategies in both training and nutrition though. However, so far, I have only been able to lose 2kg with each new method, which is really, really frustrating. I think I finally got it and then nothing more. Then: more research, other strategies. I am definitely motivated and disciplined, but I also have my moments of “why’s” because I just do not understand why and what is happening and it does not make sense to me. What I would definitely greatly appreciate is if you and your friends could focus on the effect of emotional/psychological stress on the body in general and weight in particular. I have not studied biochemistry, but I know as much that the hormones act differently in those times and the question then is: how can you counter that and thus prevent weight gain. I know of course that there are people out there who lose weight when in stress. And they may not like that either and thus look for solutions. Also, I would greatly appreciate if you could dedicate some time and effort into how the female body works. I still think that this has not been covered sufficiently at all. As we can see in Angel’s and my – and I am sure millions of other women’s – case, women’s bodies react differently in times of emotional/psychological stress and since we are, generally, still the gender that tends to be there for others and take care of others, the body seems to protect and want to comfort us with those extra layers. And also: when you are on a fitness program where you approach each day strategically in terms of workout and nutrition, what on earth do you do during the period? No one has ever covered that. Sometimes, you just cannot work out because of the pains and blood loss (sorry guys, but I need to talk about that because no one has ever addressed this – not that I know; just skip this part if it creeps you out; I don’t blame you):-) and you have those strange cravings that mostly go into carbs in general and sweets in particular. The mere thought of tuna or scrambled eggs makes you want to throw up. And you gain about 1-2 sizes within 3-4 days, feeling all chunky. So, since we cannot work out and eat “right”, what can we do during those 3-5 days that when it’s finally over again, we can continue where we left off and not have to start all over again? I know this does not concern all women, but I would assume it’s not a small number either. The female body is so tricky and so complex and if you are willing to dig into this dark sea of mystery, we would all deeply appreciate it. It will be a challenging adventure, but I am sure you cannot wait to accept a good challenge.:-) Many thanks for taking this issue seriously Patricia P.S. Oh yes, my goal: to lose 4-6 more kilos. I am 1.68 and currently weigh 65.8 kg.

    September 17, 2010 at 4:35 am

  • Daniel

    Hey Guys, I'm 19 years old and live in beautiful Switzerland. I've been into fitness for about 2.5 years now, starting with Vince's NNMB program. Currently I'm using the advanced version of 7 minute muscle. I like your writing style Roman, keep going ;)

    September 17, 2010 at 4:09 am

  • Jamin Thompson

    My name is Jamin Thompson and my goals are to help as many peeps as possible live "the dream" (meaning whatever they choose to accomplish they can) whether that be through health & fitness or via some sort of inspiration or motivation, etc. Other than that I would just like to have abs like Roman.

    September 17, 2010 at 4:02 am

  • Martin

    Hello everyone my name is Martin E. Brooks. I am a real estate agent and I live in Charlotte NC. I am a newbie to the fitness game. I am in my last week of the P90X. It has helped me to look my best ever. I have one small problem which has become my fitness goal. Losing the last bit around my belly. It will not move. I am open to any and all suggestions to help me get those abs showing. Thanks. iPhone 4.

    September 17, 2010 at 3:43 am

  • Mazikeen

    *unlurks* I'm female, almost 30, I grew up with not so much physical activity (especially during university) and no nutrition information (you people have no idea how lucky you are to live in countries with relatively free access to information). Moved to Iceland almost 4 years ago and here I started doing weight lifting to get in shape and absolutely loved it. Right now I do kettlebell weightlifting three times a week and beginners' MMA (BJJ, Muay Thai, kickboxing) three times a week as cardio. I have a clean diet most of the time when I don't give in to cravings. My two greatest challenges are staying motivated to keep up my exercise program and not giving in to cravings (especially sweets). My short-term goal is not to let work get in the way of my training. Medium-term is to get at 16% body fat or less (currently around 20%).

    September 17, 2010 at 3:30 am

  • Eric Moss

    oh yeah I forgot about the about me stuff. My name is Eric I am an RKC (kettlebell guy). My current goals are to pass the beast challenge (pistol squat, pullup and 1 arm overhead press all with a 106lb kettlebell) I can do the pistol and the pullup so I guess I am 2/3rds of the way there. I also run a fitness blog. Oh and you were at my cousin Arnel's place not that long ago. be good Eric

    September 17, 2010 at 3:22 am

  • Eric Moss

    I hear ya on that. On a bunch of my posts I told the lurkers I wanted to hear their comments to interact with them and that sort of thing. The traffic is there so I know they are listening but not speaking. It's like we are talking to walls or something. Eric

    September 17, 2010 at 3:16 am

  • Bret Contreras

    Jesus Roman! 450 bench? What can you currently bench? Great post my friend.

    September 17, 2010 at 2:57 am

  • Nathan

    Hi, My name is Nathan... its been around 6 weeks since my last... blog post. I have been on a month-long journey which involved excess alcohol and carbohydrates. I have seen 3 different countries and a few naked bodies. But im back (fist pumped, tear in the eye) and ready to contribute again. My goals are muscle/weight gain and to get my golf handicap down to 8 by xmas.

    September 17, 2010 at 2:55 am

  • Julian

    Hi John, Thanks for the blog that has actually forced me to get off my backside and post something back. I must admit I do struggle to join in the ‘conversation’, maybe a lack of confidence, maybe thinking that no one is really that interested in what I have to say. I am in introverted person and find it difficult to express my feelings and opinions! I started my own IT Company a few of years ago; it has been hard work but also very fulfilling and relatively successful. Over summer I re-evaluated the company and the direction it was going and how it could be more successful, the conclusion I came to was that I needed to get out there and start networking more, get more of my feelings and opinions across to people. I realised that my voice does count and I do want people to hear what I have to say. So my current major goal is to get more involved in the things I am passionate about, be it work, working out or just anything where I think I have something contribute. I believe this will make me more confident, more successful and ultimately for my children to be proud of me and inspired by me. My workout goal is to 150lbs and 8% body fat by 22/07/2011. I’m currently 153lbs and 15% body fat, and I am totally confident I will achieve this target well before next July. Thanks again for a truly great blog John. Julian

    September 17, 2010 at 2:39 am

  • Angel

    Hey John, I'm Angel, currently living in Germany, and I used to be one of the girls who didn't need to exercise to be lean and in shape (I did jazzdance, didn't feel like exercise to me). But I am 35 now and gained alot of weight due to food allergies and major stress. I first joined a gym at 33, but I've had difficulties to keep up a regular training routine (had to finish my thesis in 4 weeks f.e.) and am preparing my move to the US. So I want to emphasize the bad effect of stress and psychological strains in general on weight. Right now I don't have the circumstances where I can totally focus on getting lean and fit, but I want to get back in control of my Life and priorities. I also want to mention that I am a vegan and that very often it is impossible for me to listen to your advice, as it often includes animal products ;-) I am a subscriber of most of your fitness friends and I wish you guys could recommend vegetarian or dairy free alternatives (I'm allergic to dairy) when you give info. Hope you are satisfied now, cause I finally posted something ;-) And, last, but not least, you are soooo funny!!!!! Love, Angel

    September 17, 2010 at 2:20 am

  • Hadi

    Hi, I'm Hadi I'm 16, live in Dubai and am on Wendler's 5/3/1 program My goals are Bench 225 Squat 315 Deadlift 405 By the end of the year 2010 Also, to win my High school varsity Soccer and Basketball championships and eventually dunk a basketball. You guys can help by motivating me to do some damn conditioning to drop about 15lbs of fat. -Hadi

    September 17, 2010 at 2:19 am

  • Ylwa

    My name is Ylwa and my goal is to be the female John Romaniello of the fitness world. Basically, a hotter version of you. Oh, and win my first figure competition next fall

    September 17, 2010 at 2:13 am

  • Per

    Goal, getting bigger and leaner until next summer. Did fairly good by this summer but put on a little bit during vaccation (kind of planned). Method: finish up the rest of TACFIT Commando workouts for mobility and endurance, 2 weeks left. After that, kind of 100 rep muscle style for 2 weeks. After that John Bensons 7 min muscle for 6 weeks to kickstart things and then over to Vinces NNMB for the longer haul.

    September 17, 2010 at 2:07 am

  • Edwin Chew

    Hi All This is Edwin. I am a S & C Coach. I am aiming to deadlift 2.5x and squat 2x my bodyweight. Not Easy, but 100% not giving up! And of course helping my clients achieve their goals. John.Keep up the cool stuff that you are doing!! Cheers.

    September 17, 2010 at 1:57 am

  • Clement

    I meant "never miss a workout"!

    September 17, 2010 at 1:53 am

  • Clement

    Hi Roman, I'm 19 years old and was one of your first blog subscribers. I've turned into a fitness enthusiast and would like to learn anything I can from all you experts out there! My immediate goal is to never miasma workout and gain 10-20lbs of lean muscle by the end of the year, before maximizing fat loss and negating muscle loss for the next 3 months! Thanks for continuing to update your blog instead of MIA-ing like you were doing earlier in the year. You have fans, you know!

    September 17, 2010 at 1:52 am

  • John

    Me again...sorry about the typo's, it's still early over here!!!

    September 17, 2010 at 1:49 am

  • John

    Hi John Firstly what a great first name you have "God is gracious" is the meaning so I am told! Anyway I am John, fro the UK, ex large person (I lost about 75 pounds) I am now a personal trainer and business developer for a large personal training company and also a willing student of life. My goal is to help as many people as possible really. In a sincere way, fitness has brought so much happiness to my life, I just want to share it. Thank you to you for making the blogs and interviews amusing as everyone tends to take everyting too seriously. I'm sure you will build a kick ass community in no time Rock on John

    September 17, 2010 at 1:47 am

  • Jonathan Warncke

    Fine, fine, I'll stop lurking. :) My name is Jon (twinsies...except for the lack of an 'h') and I just moved back to South Africa after 5 years in Japan, and two months of getting fat on American Krispy Kremes. I've been training for 5 years on and off, mostly yo-yo dieting between 90kg and 67kg (that was the Velocity diet). I've got 3 months until my brother's wedding to lose 15kg. I plan to do it by eating clean and doing John's BodyCompBlitz, as well as some semi-regular running up and down Lion's Head, a mountain in Cape Town you can google. Thanks for all your articles, John, both here and on T-nation. I'd include more fawning details of how awesome you are, but I have to hunt down and kill my morning protein shake. We do that in Africa.

    September 17, 2010 at 1:29 am

  • Ted

    I'm Ted. Been following you for quite some time. I'm short. 5' 4.5" (every half inch counts), ~150 lbs, ~7% BF. Currently nearing month 2 of P90X. Not nearly as hard or as fun as Body Comp Blitz. Current fitness goal? Get rid of the half inch of flab that won't disappear (even when I was at 5.5% BF) around my belly button. Feels like that's been my goal for years. Other life goals in progress? Graduate. Move to the West Coast. Learn to surf. Go to grad school. Find a career. Pick up my trumpet again and practice. Consistently. Help people to achieve their fitness goals. Help people to deal with life. Become a better person (not to say I'm not a good person already ;). Been lifting since I was 16 and took Strength and Fitness in high school, swimming since I was 4, soccer player from 5. I'm now 21 and going to University of Wisconsin for Psych/CS degrees. In the summers I coach a summer league swim team. Perfect background music while reading your post: Burning in the Skies by Linkin Park (off of the new A Thousand Suns album). Tomorrow I'm going grocery shopping. Did I take that far enough, Roman? ;)

    September 17, 2010 at 1:07 am

  • Barry Whitaker

    Hello John my name is Barry im from over the "pond" here in the UK, IM a newbie to the world of bodybuilding and fitness, (nearly 1 year into training) I have lost more bodyfat and gained more muscle than I ever thought was possible, thanx to your never ending mountain of knowledge, posts,blogs,video's,and imense training programs, I have to many goals to start listing on here :) so i will just say "When i grow up I wanna be just like John Romaniello" thank you again Barry

    September 17, 2010 at 1:02 am

  • John Romaniello

    I'll start. My name is Roman, and my goals are to continue building the most kick-ass fitness community on the planet. Oh, also, I'd like to be able to bench 450.

    September 17, 2010 at 12:44 am

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