No, Biotin Does NOT Cause Weight Gain

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Just another myth that will keep you from your training goals

In the health and fitness industry, I don’t know how myths seem to spread, but they do. The latest one we’re here to debunk today is the idea that biotin, a B vitamin, causes weight gain. The answer is no. At least, in any substantial since the answer is no. Sure, it may have a tiny effect, but it’s a classic case of “majoring in the micro.” Or losing the forest for the trees, as they say.

Biotin is that sneaky little vitamin that promises to transform your hair into Rapunzel’s mane and your nails into sparkling gems. But unfortunately, this is where the plot takes a twist. According to some rumors, biotin might lead to weight gain.

Confused? You’re not alone. The internet is a minefield of conflicting information on whether this beauty-boosting B vitamin is a friend or foe in the weight department. It’s like a suspenseful thriller where Biotin is the enigmatic character and the weight scale is the detective who has been trying to crack the case.

So, dust off your magnifying glasses and channel your inner Sherlock. In this article, we’re cutting through the noise to give you the science-backed lowdown on biotin and its alleged role in weight gain. Buckle up; it’s going to be an enlightening ride.

What is Biotin?

Biotin, also known as Vitamin B7, is one of those nutrients that doesn’t get the spotlight as much as, say, Vitamin C or D, but it’s a real workhorse behind the scenes. This water-soluble vitamin plays a crucial role in converting food into energy and is a key player in maintaining the health of your hair, skin, and nails.

You can think of Biotin as the undercover agent of the B-vitamin world.

You get your biotin fix from foods such as eggs, nuts, and whole grains.

Biotin supplements, many believe can support hair strength and healthier nails, yet there’s a growing myth about its impact on your weight.

But before we debunk the myth, let’s get to know biotin a little better.

Biotin and Metabolism: The Basics

Biotin can be taken as the underappreciated backstage crew at a rock concert. Biotin keeps the show going but rarely gets the applause that it deserves.

This water-soluble vitamin plays an important role in the metabolic drama of your body. What it actually does is break down fats, carbohydrates, and proteins and ensure that everything runs smoothly within your body.

It’s essential for energy production, cellular function, and even the regulation of certain genes.

Research studies suggest that the water-soluble Biotin is responsible for catalyzing critical steps in the metabolism of fatty acids, glucose, and amino acids. Biotin also plays a significant role in cell signaling.

So, the role of Biotin is to step in and help your digestive system break down your food into essential nutrients that keep your energy up. But this is where things get interesting, while Biotin keeps the metabolic party going, there’s no evidence of Biotin being directly involved in weight gain or weight loss. So, if you’re blaming those extra pounds on your biotin supplement, you’re barking up the wrong tree.

But how did the story that biotin leads to weight gain originate?

Common Myths About Biotin and Weight Gain

The internet is full of myths and misconceptions about biotin, especially when it comes to weight gain. Let’s set the record straight:

Myth 1: Biotin Boosts Appetite

According to some sources, biotin may make you insatiably hungry.

This is simply, not true. It is in no way involved in your appetite regulation.

In fact, research conducted on laboratory mice suggested that biotin intake may somewhat suppress food intake.

So next time you’re reaching for an extra slice of pizza, don’t blame Biotin for that craving.

Myth 2: Biotin Leads to Water Retention

Another popular myth says that Biotin may transform you into an ultimate weight-wielding warrior by making your body cling to water. Water retention, in simple terms.

Imagine Biotin as the “Ant-Man” of Vitamin World, small but mighty. Excess Biotin usually shrinks down and is excreted through urine. Since Biotin is water soluble, it easily dissolves in water and blends into your body’s water supply. But it does not by any means swell you up like a water balloon.

According to research, biotin is almost completely absorbed by the body and if any excess amounts are left, they are excreted unchanged in urine.

Myth 43: Biotin Messes with Hormones

Biotin is often misinterpreted as the mischievous Loki of the vitamins that meddle with your hormones and cause your weight to skyrocket. But here’s the truth, biotin is no doubt a team player when it comes to cellular functions, but it does not have any authority to rewrite your hormonal saga.

Some scientific sources support this claim. But again, don’t get confused, the sources also cleared the fact that the biotin supplement does show some interference with hormones, but only in vitro settings due to reactions with the added reagents.

This is a classic case of reading the headline of the studies, without reading the studies themselves.

The internet might be exploding with claims supporting that Biotin supplements are the main cause behind your increasing weight, but the truth is that biotin plays a vital role in metabolic processes and should be blamed for the complexities related to weight management.

Biotin and its Impact on Weight | Studies and Research

When it comes to biotin and weight, the scientific community has been unsure. Most studies focus on biotin’s role in metabolism, hair, and nail health, or its impact on specific medical conditions like biotinidase deficiency.

However, there have been indirect approaches proving that biotin intake has an impact on weight.

For example, according to an article published in the World Journal of Diabetes, high vitamin intake, especially B vitamins, might be contributing to the rising rates of obesity. The article suggests that the relationship between vitamin intake and weight gain might not necessarily be linear. But again, this article is solely based on hypothesis rather than any practical approach. Therefore, more evidence and research are needed to establish a causal link between obesity and vitamin intake.

According to another study, there is an indirect link between biotin intake and weight gain. The study suggests that biotin plays a crucial role in various metabolic processes of the body. And certain changes in metabolism may highly contribute to an increased body weight. But again, this study only theoretically proves that biotin can be the reason behind gaining weight due to changes in fat metabolism. There is no proper evidence supporting this theory.

So, there’s a glaring lack of research directly linking biotin to weight gain or loss. If you’re looking for a definitive “yes” or “no” on whether biotin affects weight, the jury’s still out.

Real Causes of Weight Gain

If biotin isn’t the villain in your weight gain story, then who or what is? The answer is usually a combination of factors:

Diet and Nutrition

The most obvious culprit is your diet. Heavily processed foods are usually mixed with additives and are designed to be cheap, and so finger-licking good that they’re very hard to resist.

Consuming more calories than you burn leads to weight gain, plain and simple.

And what’s more, many sugar-sweetened high-fat junk foods can stimulate reward centers in your brain. You might become addicted to these kinds of foods and overeating may become a routine. This is one of the most common causes of obesity.

Physical Activity

A sedentary lifestyle, such as sitting or lying for long hours, can slow down your metabolism, making it easier to gain weight even if you’re not overeating.

Sitting for long periods may limit the number of calories you burn daily.

Everyday non-exercise activities such as walking, and even standing burn calories. This kind of energy expenditure is termed NEAT ( Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis). The lack of NEAT is a very important factor leading to weight gain.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalances can wreak all kinds of havoc on your body without you even noticing, but weight gain is something that can’t go unnoticed.

Conditions like menopause, hypothyroidism, or PCOS can mess with your metabolism and lead to weight gain.

Emotional Factors

Long-term stress, depression, and anxiety can lead to emotional eating, another potential cause of unhealthy weight gain.

Isn’t it a bit like the classic movie “Shutter Island”, where biotin appeared to be the key suspect, but in the end, it’s the unexpected usual suspects that turned out to be the real culprits?

With all of this said, there’s actually some utility to biotin supplements.

Did You Know?

Time for a fascinating tidbit! So guys, if you’re a fan of raw eggs in dishes such as mayonnaise, eggnog, or salad dressing, here’s something you should know.

Raw eggs contain avidin protein that teams up with biotin and prevents its absorption by the body. This protein breaks down when the eggs are cooked, so cooked eggs aren’t a problem. But, be careful if you’re on biotin supplements and are a fan of raw eggs.

Benefits of Biotin

Hair and Nail Health

One of the most touted benefits of biotin is its role in maintaining healthy hair and nails. Biotin is often found in beauty supplements for this very reason.

While the scientific evidence is still a bit mixed, many people swear by biotin for stronger, more luscious locks and resilient nails.

Metabolic Function

Biotin plays a crucial role in the body’s metabolic processes. It helps convert food into energy by aiding in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. This is essential for maintaining a healthy body weight, among other physiological functions.

Skin Health

Last but not least, biotin is often recommended for skin health. It’s believed to help regulate the fatty acids that nourish the skin, keeping it hydrated and looking youthful. While not a miracle cure for skin conditions, adequate levels of biotin can support overall skin health.

Nerve Health

Biotin has even been thought to help nerves recover from damage, especially in individuals with progressive disorders such as multiple sclerosis. Some animal studies even suggest that biotin supplementation proves to be effective in relieving neuropathic pain.

However, recent studies don’t show the potential long-term benefits of biotin concerning nerve health.

For more, check out this article on the best biotin supplements.

Foods With Biotin

Biotin, often known as vitamin H, is a vital nutrient found naturally in various foods. Some biotin-rich natural sources include egg yolks, nuts like almonds and peanuts, whole grains, bananas, spinach, sweet potatoes, and mushrooms.

Incorporating these foods into your diet can help ensure you’re getting an adequate supply of biotin, which is important for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails, as well as supporting overall metabolic function in the body.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Biotin Cause Weight Gain?

There’s no scientific evidence to suggest that biotin directly causes weight gain. Most claims are anecdotal and lack rigorous research to back them up.

How Much Biotin Should I Take?

The recommended daily intake varies by age, sex, and life stage. For adults, the general recommendation is 30 micrograms per day. Always consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Biotin is generally considered safe when taken at recommended doses. However, excessive intake can lead to skin rashes, digestive upset, and potential interference with lab tests.

Can I Take Biotin with Other Supplements?

Yes, biotin can usually be taken with other vitamins and minerals. However, it’s essential to consult a healthcare provider to avoid any potential interactions, especially if you’re on medication.

What Foods Are High in Biotin?

Eggs, salmon, sunflower seeds, and sweet potatoes are excellent sources of biotin. Incorporating these into your diet can help you meet your biotin needs naturally.

Can I Take Biotin While Dieting?

Yes, you can take biotin while dieting. In fact, biotin plays a role in the metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, which can be beneficial when you’re trying to manage your weight. However, it’s always best to consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice, especially if you’re on a specific diet plan.

Does Biotin Affect Appetite?

There’s no conclusive evidence to suggest that biotin directly affects appetite. Most claims about biotin increasing or decreasing appetite are anecdotal and not backed by scientific research.

What Are the Side Effects of Biotin?

While biotin is generally considered safe when taken at recommended doses, excessive intake can lead to a few side effects. These may include skin rashes, digestive upset, and interference with certain lab tests. It’s always best to stick to the recommended dosage and consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

About the Author

David William Rosales is a writer and strength coach. He's the head trainer and editor at Roman Fitness Systems. In addition to helping run RFS, he's also the head editor for, the official website of the Strength and Conditioning Association of Professional Hockey. You can also check out his Instagram, he's pretty easy on the eyes.

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