ethos who to trust

The Importance of Ethos: Or Who You Should Trust

In a recent article, I talked about redefining broscience, shifting its meaning from a nebulous cop-out to something concrete. To me, good broscience has many of the same elements as science, specifically, understanding and implementing…

injury prevention sabatoging yourself

The Ultimate Injury Prevention Guide

It’s the playoffs. My high school hockey team is locked in at two-two, the faces of our student section show their nervousness, their hands held up like they’re praying to the Hockey Gods (yes they’re real…

non-exercise activity thermogenesis

Exercise without Exercising: Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis

What if I told you, you could lose fat without changing your diet or exercise program. You’d probably be interested. Going further, what if I said this was how you could lose fat and never…

stopwatch tracking data

Tracking Data: What Gets Measured Gets Managed

In the competitive physique world, everybody takes progress pictures. They weigh themselves meticulously, wrapping old-fashioned measuring tapes around their waist, thighs, and biceps. Even their chicken breast gets weighed.  Measuring progress is part of the…