rear delt fly

How To Do a Rear Delt Fly: Technique, Benefits, Common Mistakes

Rear delt flys are a great exercise to train, well, the rear delts. I love me an exercise that is named by the muscle it uses, and the action performed… looking at you, Bulgarian Split…

the spiderman stretch

The Spiderman Stretch Complete Guide: Benefits, Variations, and Technique

Oh, the spiderman stretch. Honestly, I couldn’t think of a less descriptive name. Sure, in the comics that spiderman often enters into the position that’s come to be known as the spiderman stretch, but without…

Best Hamstring Curl Variations

6 of The Best Hamstring Curl Variations For Strong, Defined Legs

What Are Hamstrings And How Do We Curl Them? Hamstring curls refer to any exercise that involves pulling your heels towards your butt as a result of knee flexion. Do you love tightening the sleeves…

How to stay in shape on vacation

7 Hot Tips To Stay in Shape While On Vacation

We all dream of the perfect vacation. Sprawled across the sun-soaked deckchair, we imagine ourselves sipping on Piña Coladas, nibbling on a selection of delectable honey-roasted peanuts, and devouring the local cuisine without a care…