Magnesium Breakthrough

The Best Magnesium Supplement

“Yeah, well. It’s only a matter of time before everybody’s taking it. Magnesium is the new vitamin D.“ This is what one of the most respected NHL performance coaches told me when magnesium supplementation come…

calf stretches

Dorsiflexion for Posture Domination

Your calves do so much for you, bearing the brunt of your weight all day long. But, are you thinking about how much you’re doing for them?  “It’s not what your calves can do you…

Single-Leg Training

The Case For Single-Leg Training

Kangaroos are cool. I mean, they can stand on their tail. And then kick you. While standing on their tail.  I took this video at Caversham Wildlife Park in Perth, Western Australia in May 2019.…

Workout Recovery: It’s Actually Very Simple.

Yes, your workout is the foundation, but it’s the quality of your recovery process that will determine how quickly (and safely) you’ll reach your goals.