how to landmine row

How to Landmine Row: Technique, Benefits, and Three Variations

Full stop, the landmine row is one of the best rowing variations out there. No, it’s not better than the dumbbell row or barbell bent-over row, but I’d put it in the same class.  It…

stiff leg deadlift

How to Stiff-Leg Deadlift: Technique, Benefits, Variations, and Mistakes

When it comes to burning fat, building muscle, and improving strength, few exercises rival the deadlift. However, the conventional deadlift is not the only, or in my opinion the best, variation to tap into the…

bulgarian split squat

How to Bulgarian Split Squat: Technique, Benefits, Progressions, and Mistakes from Beginners to Advanced Trainees

What The Heck is a Bulgarian Split Squat? You can’t go anywhere these days without people telling you how awesome Bulgarian Split Squats are. And that’s for a good reason: they’re simply one of the…

strict press vs push press

Shoulder Training: Strict Press vs Push Press

There are two ways you see people training the shoulders in the gym. Two types of people, if you will.  One is the “strict press” group. Those who lock in their core and use their…