5 Hip-Dominant Exercises For a Healthier Hips

Most lower-body exercises can be split into two main categories: knee-dominant exercises and hip-dominant exercises. The difference between these two lies in the degree of knee-flexion, or how much your knees bend. Knee dominant exercises…

Collagen vs Whey Protein

Collagen vs Whey Protein: Navigating the Protein Puzzle for Your Health

Welcome to the bustling marketplace of dietary supplements, where every jar and packet promises to be the elixir of life, the secret to vitality, or at the very least, the quick fix to all your…

Trimethylglycine vs. Glycine Supplements | Why They’re Different

While the two contenders may share a ring (both being amino acids, the building blocks of protein), the comparison, trimethylglycine vs. glycine, promises to be a laugh-out-loud brawl of scientific discovery. Don’t be fooled by…

The 2 Best Ways to Do Weighted Pull-Ups (And Why You Should Do Them)

While the bench press gets all the love, in my view the pull-up is the true key of upper body training. You can support overall shoulder health, manage common imbalances, get some build ‘ol lats, and…