Liposomal Vitamin C Benefits: Advanced Absorption Antixoidant

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Liposomal Vitamin C isn’t your average Vitamin C supplement. Think of it as Vitamin C 2.0—encased in tiny lipid bubbles known as liposomes. This state-of-the-art encapsulation doesn’t just protect the nutrient; it elevates its bioavailability, ensuring your body absorbs more of what it needs.

When it comes to bolstering your immune system, Vitamin C has always been a go-to. But liposomal Vitamin C takes it a step further.

Beyond immunity, it has a proven track record in combating inflammation, making it a valuable ally against ailments like arthritis and asthma. 

(Quick note: Before you add liposomal Vitamin C to your health arsenal, it’s essential to consult your healthcare provider. While it’s a promising supplement, it’s vital to ensure it aligns with your individual health needs and any other medications you may be taking.)

Understanding Liposomes and Liposomal Vitamin C

Think of liposomes as nutrient bodyguards—tiny spherical structures with a double layer of phospholipids. These not only shield the vitamin C but also enable it to sidestep the digestive system, directly entering your bloodstream. The magic lies in the phospholipid bilayer’s uncanny resemblance to your body’s cell membranes, making the whole delivery process exceptionally efficient.

Conventional Vitamin C forms like ascorbic acid have a tendency to break down when exposed to environmental factors like light and heat. Liposomal encapsulation, however, grants Vitamin C superhero-level stability, vastly extending its shelf life and ensuring its potency remains intact.

While liposomal supplements are gaining traction for their bioavailability advantages, it’s critical to recognize that not all liposomal products are born equal. For brands and products you can trust, check out our article on the best liposomal vitamin C supplements.

Does Liposomal Vitamin C Really Have Higher Absorption?


You’ve probably seen claims that liposomal Vitamin C is the ‘most absorbable’ type of this vital nutrient. But should you believe the hype? Science says yes, and it’s not just marketing jargon.

A 2021 Randomized Controlled Trial looked at exactly this question. The study compared the oral bioavailability of liposomal vitamin C and non-liposomal vitamin C in healthy adults under fasting conditions. The study found that liposomal Vitamin C was 1.77 times more bioavailable than its non-liposomal counterpart. 

A 2016 study also compared the bioavailability of liposomal Vitamin C to both traditional oral and intravenous (IV) administration. It found that oral liposomal Vitamin C produced circulating concentrations greater than unencapsulated oral Vitamin C but less than IV administration. However, when it came to protection against ischemia–reperfusion-mediated oxidative stress, oral liposomal Vitamin C performed just as well as IV administration.

In simpler terms, when you take liposomal Vitamin C, more of it gets into your bloodstream, thanks to its clever liposome coating. It avoids the pitfalls of the digestive system, allowing for higher absorption rates and less gastrointestinal discomfort.

Health Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C

Supplementing with vitamin C (whether liposomal or not) may protect you from oxidative cell damage and inflammation by scavenging unstable free radicals in the body.

Supports Immune Function

Supporting your immune system is what vitamin C does well.

Vitamin C is concentrated in your white blood cells (the guys responsible for patrolling your blood and tissues looking for foreign invaders).

It may reduce the duration and severity of a common cold, as this study found. Interestingly, further research suggests vitamin C may prevent you from getting sick after bouts of intense physical exertion.

Liposomal vitamin C has an edge when it comes to immune health. This study found white blood cells absorbed more vitamin C from a liposomal product than a conventional supplement.

In sum, adding liposomal vitamin C to your supplement stack may prevent you from falling victim to every virus going around. Plus, if you do get sick, it may help you bounce back faster.

Improves Skin Health

There’s a reason why eating vitamin C-rich fruits and veggies is associated with great-looking skin. Your skin contains high levels of vitamin C.

It’s a co-factor for the synthesis of collagen – a structural protein that gives your skin elasticity, strength, and suppleness. Vitamin C helps to form a collagen precursor, known as procollagen, in a process called hydroxylation.

Unfortunately, as with many things, collagen production declines with age. Excessive sun exposure, smoking, and pollution deplete the skin of vitamin C and contribute to collagen degradation.

To sum up, oral liposomal supplements (and topical vitamin C solutions) may slow down skin changes associated with aging.

Promotes Heart Health

As a potent antioxidant, vitamin C protects your blood vessels and cardiovascular system from oxidative stress. Research shows higher dietary vitamin C intake lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease.

A 2008 meta-analysis of 13 studies found taking at least 500 mg of vitamin C daily improved blood lipids. It significantly reduced “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides. Plus, there was a slight increase in the protective high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.

By supporting collagen production, vitamin C also helps to maintain the elasticity of blood vessels as you age. This may reduce hardening of the arteries, which is exactly what this 2021 systematic review and meta-analysis found.

Role in Collagen Production


Collagen is the unsung hero of our bodies, giving structure to everything from our skin and hair to our bones and tendons.

First, let’s get this straight: collagen isn’t just a beauty buzzword; it’s the literal glue that holds us together. It’s in our skin, bones, and even our arteries. As we age, collagen production slows down, which is why you might see more wrinkles, feel more joint pain, or even experience weaker bones.

Where To Get Liposomal Vitamin C

Here we are “brand agnostic.” That is, we promote all brands, as long as they have great products. To that end, we’ve looked closely at over a dozen liposomal vitamin C supplements, and compiled our list of the best ones

Are Liposomes Used For Other Supplements?

Liposomes are a rising star in the supplement science space. The answer is yes. In fact, for many supplements, whether it’s glutathione or green tea, we recommend a liposomal version. 

About the Author

David William Rosales is a writer and strength coach. He's the head trainer and editor at Roman Fitness Systems. In addition to helping run RFS, he's also the head editor for, the official website of the Strength and Conditioning Association of Professional Hockey. You can also check out his Instagram, he's pretty easy on the eyes.

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