Yates Row

How to do a Yates Row: Step by Step, Benefits, and Drawbacks

What the Heck Is a Yates Row? Here we go again with the undescriptive exercise names. The Yates row is a barbell bent-over row, but with your hands supinated (palms facing up). That’s basically it.…

Front foot elevated split squat

The Front Foot Elevated Split Squat: Execution, Benefits, and Common Mistakes

We all know about the Bulgarian Split Squat (also called the rear-foot-elevated split squat). But the BSS has a neglected younger sibling, the front foot elevated split squat. Like many youngest siblings, it’s overlooked, underappreciated,…

How to do Reverse Lunges

How to do Reverse Lunges: Technique, Mistakes, and Variations

Reverse lunges are an incredible lower body exercise… when they’re done right.  What is a Reverse Lunge?   The “reverse” in reverse lunge refers to the motion of stepping backward to initiate the movement, followed…

Best Hamstring Curl Variations

6 of The Best Hamstring Curl Variations For Strong, Defined Legs

What Are Hamstrings And How Do We Curl Them? Hamstring curls refer to any exercise that involves pulling your heels towards your butt as a result of knee flexion. Do you love tightening the sleeves…