Sissy Squat

Sissy Squat: The Quad Building Exercise That’s Not For Wimps

If you’re looking for an exercise that will help you build powerful quads, the sissy squat is a great option. This exercise is not for wimps; it’s an advanced-level exercise. In this article, we’ll discuss…

straight arm pulldown

How to do the Straight Arm Pulldown: Technique, Benefits, and Variations

The straight arm pulldown is one of the most slept-on back training exercises out there. While some might mistake it for a normal tricep pulldown, the straight arm pulldown is an entirely different movement. It…

zercher squat

How to Zercher Squat: Technique, Benefits, and Drawbacks

The Zercher squat is not an exercise for the uninitiated. The lifter who invented them was equal parts genius and mad scientist. Ed Zercher was a strongman who was active in the 1930’s and 40’s.…

t bar row

The T-Bar Row: Benefits, Variations, and Programming

The t-bar row might be one of the top five quintessential meathead exercises. It’s up there on the list of “exercises that don’t make you cool, but if you’re gonna do them, you might as…