glute training

5 Overlooked Training Tips for Glorious Glutes

A big backside isn’t just about looking good; it’s about performance and health, as well. Use these glute training tips to take yours to the next level.

Dressing for Your Body: How the Three Somatotypes Influence Your Style

It’s time to start dressing like a grownup. Here’s how to figure out what kind of body type (somatotype) you have and how best to dress it.

Just Because It Can Fit Your Macros Doesn’t Mean It Should

IIFYM has morphed into a dietary strategy based on eating junk food. Here’s why you shouldn’t use it as an excuse to skip out on your fruits and veggies.

The Biggest Mistake Batman Makes in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman’s near-fatal mistake in prepping for his big fight with Superman, and what we can learn from it.