The "Dead Hooker" Workout and 10 More Gym-Free Ways to Train

Roman shares some tips on Bodyweight Training, courtesy of Craig Ballantyne

How to Build the Ideal Male Body

A step-by-step plan to help men build an ideal, symmetrical body, as written by fitness expert John Romaniello, New York Time’s Bestselling author of Man 2.0.

Squeeze Presses, Fly-Aways and Guillotine Presses: Image

Three Awesome Exercises For Well Developed Chesticles

Squeeze Presses, Fly-Aways and Guillotine Presses.. oh my.

Xtreme Fat Loss Density Training Image

Xtreme Fat Loss Density Training

If I had to describe the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet in just three words, it would be: strategy, synergy, and variety.