Posts Tagged with "carbs"

Carb Cycling for Fat Loss: 3 Ways to Use Old School Dieting to Get Shredded

While carb cycling isn’t the hot, new girl at the party anymore, it’s still an incredibly effective practice for losing fat, and it deserves a closer look.

Macronutrient Breakdown, Part III Image

Macronutrient Breakdown, Part III

Roman gives a breakdown of everyone’s favorite macronutrient, PROTEIN. He also covers how much protein you actually need for both fat loss and muscle gain.

Macronutrient Breakdown, Part II Image

Macronutrient Breakdown, Part II: The Truth About Fat

Roman gives his manifesto on Fats and fat sources, and breaks down two Protein + Fat recipes.

The Devil!

Macronutrient Breakdown, Part I

Roman breaks down carbohydrates and gives two P+C meals from Dave Ruel’s new cookbook, Metabolic Cooking