Posts Tagged with "build muscle"

The 2 Best Ways to Do Weighted Pull-Ups (And Why You Should Do Them)

While the bench press gets all the love, in my view the pull-up is the true key of upper body training. You can support overall shoulder health, manage common imbalances, get some build ‘ol lats, and…

incline bench press

Floor Press vs Bench Press: Why The Floor Press is Underrated

In the world of strength training and bodybuilding, the bench press has long reigned as a cornerstone exercise, celebrated for its effectiveness in building upper body strength and muscle mass. However, nestled within the shadows…

Yates Row

How to do a Yates Row: Step by Step, Benefits, and Drawbacks

What the Heck Is a Yates Row? Here we go again with the undescriptive exercise names. The Yates row is a barbell bent-over row, but with your hands supinated (palms facing up). That’s basically it.…

bulgarian split squat

How to Bulgarian Split Squat: Technique, Benefits, Progressions, and Mistakes from Beginners to Advanced Trainees

What The Heck is a Bulgarian Split Squat? You can’t go anywhere these days without people telling you how awesome Bulgarian Split Squats are. And that’s for a good reason: they’re simply one of the…