Posts Tagged with "increase athleticism"

How to train like an athlete

3 Ways to Look Better By Training Like An Athlete

For many people training to perform your best paradoxically provides a safer and easier route to look your best. (This even puts aside the complex discussions of body dysmorphia, eating disorders, and other self-image issues…

Single-Leg Training

The Case For Single-Leg Training

Kangaroos are cool. I mean, they can stand on their tail. And then kick you. While standing on their tail.  I took this video at Caversham Wildlife Park in Perth, Western Australia in May 2019.…

training for performance hockey

Training for Performance: Meathead Addition

No, mom, I don’t want to do summer “fitness” camp. Yet, two weeks later, twelve-year-old me stood on my future high school’s track. Outdoors. At 7:45 in the morning. With none of my friends. I…

rocky jump rope benefits

Why The Jump Rope is the Best Conditioning Tool You’re Not Using

Long favored by athletes, fighters, and bad-assses, the jump rope is one of the most effective conditioning tools around. In this article, you’ll learn 3 ways to use the jump rope to builds athleticism, shred…